Video signal is messed up/spins around - fixable?

I don't really know how to describe what's happening, so here's a video.

Is this issue fixable, and how? Could it be any of the other things involved (AV cable, power supply, TV)? I'm not able to test them.


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Hi Fin!

To be honest, I think this is GPU related. And it's not easy to fix this...

But first, try to measure the cmos battery, if it needs to be replaced, replace this one first. Maybe it will solve the issue.


You describe it as a vertical roll. I do not own, never played with one of these but if you are plugging it into a television and if it is the dinosaur type like me, then a possible fix would be to adjust the (television's) vertical hold "v hold" accessible usually behind a closed panel usually on the front below the screen. Probably that's not the case here but that is exactly what it looks like. Further guesses on a device I've never used... l don't got... just useless speculations. This answer would also apply to an arcade display or CRT.


@dan0 Thanks! How do I measure it?


@uchetil I really hope it's that! I'll let you know if I find the switch. It's a pretty old TV.


@uchetil Hi again, didn't find the switch. Looked in the manual and saw no mention of that. It's not an analog TV. Thanks though!


