
This page contains replacement, manuals, troubleshooting guides for Dell Vostro 5480 repair. Find troubleshooting and repair guides you need for your Dell 5480 repair at home.

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Steps of replacing a Swollen Battery

I have detached the swollen battery but my question do I just put on the new battery or what should I do because I am afraid of the new battery being swollen as well. So my final question is, could there be a way to check why the battery is swollen so I can keep in mind when I am using or is there something wrong inside the motherboard?

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Please tell me that you have taken out the swollen battery.





iFixit has a very good guide for what to do with stolen batteries, which I will link here. To give the spark notes of the article, battery swelling occurs when the chemical reaction that is used to generate battery power no longer completes perfectly. This causes outgassing, which results in the battery swelling.

You need to turn off the device and do not charge it. You need to carefully remove the swollen battery and dispose of it properly.

To answer your question your new battery should be ok if it has been handled properly and if it is a new battery.


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