
Apple 2020年的顶级智能手机。iPhone12 Pro Max于10月13日发布并于11月13日发布,配备6.7英寸OLED显示屏,带LiDAR的三重后置摄像头系统和5G连接。iPhone 11的后继产品。 专业版

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iPhone back glass laser machines?

I’ve been considering buying an iPhone back glass laser machine, but I’m having a hard time justifying the cost when I don’t have many customers asking for back glass repair. I’ve made mistakes in the past where I’ve splurged on machinery that rarely got use because I thought that by offering a service, people would come- only for Apple to flip the script and change designs. However, I’d wager that Apple will continue the back glass design rather than switch wood or something simply for the fact that it’s profitable to have an external indicator that your device has been abused.

Q 1. The machines I’ve seen in the market say they work with iPhone 8- iPhone 13, so my train of thought is this: If I spend $1,500 on one of these machines, it will take two years to pay for itself. Can laser machines be updated to service the iPhone 14, 15 and beyond?

Q 2. Are there other uses for these laser machines? If I could fix more than just iPhone back glass that would really seal the deal.

Q 3. Which laser machine to buy? There’s so many different models available, that shopping for one is exhausting. I’ve seen bare-bones machines for around $1200 which requires a laptop to run it, and I’ve seen other fancy models with touchscreens from $1,500-$2,000. For those of you that own laser machines, are there particular models that you like? That you would avoid?

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I don't have much experience with the laser machines, but I'll note a few things:

1. These machines can be updated to support later models of iPhone if you buy them from companies that will continue to support the machine.

2. These should work on other phones will a rear glass panel, the correct pattern just needs to be programmed into them.

The machine that I've seen used is https://m.rewa.tech/detail/back-glass-ho... , and it seems to be well supported.


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Q1: Yes if Apple continues to use glass on their phones

Q2: They can be used on the front for removing the display.

Q3: The REWA model you mentioned is a good option.


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One consideration that hasn't been mentioned so far is the possibility the machine may not be needed for future models. Apple has gone halfway toward making them repairable in that the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus have removable backs, sharply reducing the need for a glass separating laser machine. When I say halfway, that's because the 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max do NOT have that feature and thus still require ridiculously difficult measures to replace the rear glass.

As to future models, who know what evil lurks in the heart of Apple? Not me, and I wouldn't even try to guess, but we'll see if any of the repairability movement is getting through to them.


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I've used the Rewa LM-40 for the iPhone back replacement : https://hexcs.com/phone-repairs/apple-ip... . Unfortunately it failed just after about 30 backs replacements which is disappointing. It looks like the laster got decalibrated and it is not precise. I'm dealing with Rewa to see if it is able to be rectified by means of calibration or something.


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