
This Nintendo DS Lite was released in 2006 as the successor to the Nintendo DS. Getting inside this device is simple, making for easy fixes.

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Nintendo DSL power switch issues/work around

I have a DS lite mainboard that’s in pretty good condition, but 3 of the 5 solder pads for the power switch (1, 4, and 5, going clockwise) are in fairly poor condition, having been damaged when the case was replaced.

I’ve been trying to find a work around for the switch, specifically in which I can short a couple pins on the board and get the board to boot up again with a battery, then connecting the switch to those. I tried shorting the remaining two pads which looked as if it should have worked, but without success. Could this be indicative of more problems of which I’m not aware or is there a better way to fix the issue?

Update (09/18/2021)

After some testing with a board I know is good, I have found that shorting pin 1 (top right and any of the other 5 pins on the switch will indeed work to make the DSL boot up, however as I said that technique doesn’t work with the board I’m working on. I’ve checked the fuses and the battery - everything’s fine there, bit I really have no idea what other likely suspects are and how I should approach troubleshooting it besides blindly testing every connection. So I’d appreciate it if anyone has some insight or suggestions to help me out.

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Might have a faulty PMIC chip.

Check the filters/caps around for shorts. I don't have schematics to hand, but there should be something on Google showing readings via diode mode for the filters in the area.

Else, head here. Loads of experts might know the exact issue you have:



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