
于2015年十月26日上市的第四代Surface Pro平板电脑。

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CPU fan making buzzing sound, computer overheating

Hello, I have an out of warranty Surface Pro 4 that I have been using since early 2016 with little issue, but recently the CPU fan has starting making a buzzing sound. It started a few days ago, and I assume my computer must have overheated or otherwise overloaded the fans while I was playing a video game. It is not whooshing air, it is a full on mosquitio-type buzzing. The computer is currently usable, but whenever the fans turn on, it makes that noise. I have not used it for the last few days to avoid damaging the fan further, but I do rely on that computer for school and work, so I’d like to fix it sooner rather than later. Anyone know of a way to fix this at home?

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Hi @martianluke ,

Perhaps you should first use a vacuum cleaner (low suction setting) to try and suck any dust and debris out of the fan vent and the fan to see if this resolves the problem. Do this with the laptop turned off.

Otherwise you may have to open the laptop and check if the fan is still OK or whether it needs to be replaced.

Here is the ifixit 更换微软Surface Pro 4的散热片 guide that may help. Note the difficulty rating of the repair.

The repair guide doesn’t show the fan as this particular model variant didn’t have one but at least it shows how to open the laptop so that access to the fan is possible.

If you decide to try and do this and the fan is faulty, then replacement fans are available online. Just search for Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (insert laptop model number) fan to get results for suppliers of the part.


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