
Repair guides for the the LG V30, released in September of 2017.

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Do I need full lcd+touch screen replacement?

Hi, my device is LG W30, since it's not listed I just selected V30. So, I dropped my phone and have a black spot on the screen. Touch works great even on the black spot. If I have to get it repaired, do I have to buy the whole lcd+ touch screen set or is there any other way?

This is how it looks if I took a screenshot.

Block Image

It doesn't show the black spot, so what is damaged?

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so you have two options you can A take it to a repair shop and they will do it for you or B when you get a new screen it already comes with the lcd and digitizer, because the digitizer is what the touch screen is called, because the lcd is what provides the image and when you order a replacement part they come together


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