
MacBook Pro A1226 will not boot with message YOU NEED TO RESTART...

Prior to failing to boot the laptop the screen would begin flashing and lock-up. I would reboot and every thing was find for a while.

Then while working my screen started flashing again and the machine again locked up.

Now when I turn on the machine it chimes, the apple logo appears and the hard drive spins. However after about 30 seconds of trying to boot the screen darkens a little and a message appears:

"You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button."

When I tried to reboot the above mentioned message appeared and reappeared with every attempt to boot.

I have built four PC's. This is my first Mac. Should I play a dirge march and have an open casket funeral or is it salvageable?

Thank you for your help!

已回答! 显示答案 我也有这个问题


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Checked with a repair shop. They said that it could be the Nvidia GPU 8600 or something else wrong with the logic board. We ruled out Hd and operating system corruption by trying to boot from a external HD and install disk. So with these symptoms besides the logic board what are the possible fixes for my mac book pro?


Mayer, I went to the shop. I ask about my laptop. I was told that they had booted it to a diagnostic CD. I said does that mean you were successful in booting the MBP. They said NO nor did they indicated what was wrong with it. I ask if they had checked the Nivida 8600 chip. They said no and immediately began the test. Yes in under 15 min they found it was the Nivida chip and under warranty by Apple. Furthermore they said that would be able to get the new logic board in two days. So, I should have my laptop back by Friday. Thanks again for your assistance.


That's really great that you're getting a new logic board but it speaks very poorly about the Apple Genius that you had to diagnose it (or at least come here) to solve your problem.





You know it only takes one phone call to check on the Nvidia issue. It only takes a total of four days from when that call is made to get the machine shipped, fixed and back in your hands with a new logic board. Frankly, if your machine turns up working fine and the logic board has been replaced, and you get a bill for a board, I'd call Apple and ask if any warranty service has been performed on it before paying more than say $50. I mean it takes me 15 to diagnose this problem for sure and usually less than 5. I fear someone may be trying to take advantage of you. I could be wrong and the techs could be unfamiliar with the Nvidia issue. Is it a Apple repair place or a PC guy that also does Apples?


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The shop was an Apple authorized repair shop. I do not know why they would not tell me on the spot if the problem was the GPU. If they try to bill me for a board, I am going to take your advice and call Apple to see if a warranty service has been performed before I pay for the new board. Thanks for the heads up. When I find out more I will update the entry. I am grateful for this site.



An Apple Authorized Service Provider should have the software that diagnoses the Nvidia issue in minutes. Ask them why they haven't used it.



Hi, this (or very similar) thing happened to my 3 years old A1226 last week. Guys at repair shop diagnosed motherboard failure near NVidia controller and replaced the board. It happened to be a sort of warranty case so I had to pay for diagnostics but not for a new motherboard.

BR, Villem


得分 2


Thanks for your reply. My notebook is in the shop now. Unfortunately they will not be able to start on it until next week. Hopefully my laptop will has the same ailment that yours did and I too will receive another logic board with only a charge for diagnoses. I will update my entry as soon as I know more. Again thanks for your reply. Deborah


Villem what is your Apple case number for her to reference if they try to charge her more?




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