
Wi-Fi only version of Apple's 2nd generation iPad Air. Model A1566.

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My ipad is cracked badly and it’s glitching!

background info:

so a few months back (like 2-3 months) my dad got very mad (unexpected) and my ipad was on the table. he threw my ipad very hard into the floor (and the floor cracked along with my ipad). the corners of one half of the ipad was cracked (the other half wasn’t cracked as badly). and surprisingly and fortunately it still works (everything was normal except my microphone doesn’t work and the camera was blurry bc my mom had to tape near it and it sorta covered it).

so a day or two before, it started acting up. like i tried to unlock my ipad and i pressed one number (passcode) and the ipad itself just started spamming the passcode and i was forced to close it. i tried again and once again the ipad started spamming the passcode numbers and the try again after 1 minute lock came on. so i left it alone cuz i thought it would fix itself after a night. so yesterday morning i opened it, thinking it fixed itself because the passcode part had no problems. then after a few minutes, it started acting up. i went into safari— the search bar just went up and down and up and down (it wasn’t spamming letters it was just the screen). i tried roblox, went into adopt me, the starting screen kept on spamming me, every time i would press no the same question/sign would pop right back up (it’s not supposed to). for ex: it would say do u want to teleport to the hat shop yes or no and i would press no but the same sign kept on popping up so i couldn’t even play. the screen was moving itself. (spamming letters on my keyboard only happened once, just the passcode.)

help me is it just broken? yes i’ve tried shutting it down.

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It's most likely a digitizer causing this. You can buy a replacement digitizer with adhesive on it for around 15 dollars. They have multiple videos on YouTube on how to change it.


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hi! thank you for your feedback and i’m not really doubting you i just want to make sure before i spend money on a new digitalizer; are you sure a digitalizer is what caused the problem? i thought maybe it was because of the cracked screen it might’ve affected the inside stuff (of the ipad).


You can't be 100 percent positive but in my experience it should fix it. I wouldn't pay someone to do it because you can buy a used one for 50 to 80 dollars so I would do it yourself and buy a digitizer with the home button already installed with the adhesive installed.


It's an iPad Air 2. That iPad has a laminated screen together with the display. Replacing the digitizer only is not an option for this model.

The whole screen assembly which consists of the (LCD display + touch digitizer fused together) will need to be replaced.

For the screen replacements I think they go for around $180 to get it done by someone. iFixit does sell the screens at $180 prices are still high for the Air 2 displays.

If the housing is bent to where it would potentially cause a replacement display to not sit on properly you might want to consider getting another iPad as it's a lot of trouble to get it to sit flush for what it's worth.


Sorry I misread it and thought it was a ipad 2 not a iPad air 2. You can pick up a quality screen for around 100 dollars for the screen assembly. Look around for a good price with a good warranty. My supplier it's around 100 dollars and a lifetime warranty against defects.


thank you, both of you! i’ll check it out




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