
The PowerMac G5 is a desktop computer first produced in 2003 by the Apple Corporation. This guide will review the repair process of an Apple PowerMac G5 model number A1047 EMC 2061 from 2004. It was discontinued in 2006 as part of the Intel switch first to developers then consumers.

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Hard drive problem in Powermac G5

I purchased a used g5 and wanted to make it a backup computer. I installed 2 2tb WD harddrives. The top bay worked just fine and I was able to format it and install the OS, the bottom bay cannot see drives (I've tried multiple different drives in this bay). Could it be the SATA connection--it looks like it's just a cable that snaps into the logic board? If this is something I could replace it might save this computer.

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Since the top drive is known to be working, eliminate any drive questions by moving it to the lower bay. If it now fails, you know it's probably the cabling or the logic board connections. It you can't feel it running, it's the power cable. If it is running look at the data cable.


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So I moved the top drive to the bottom and disk utility was unable to see it. Great tip about the power cable--the drive in the bottom bay is not spinning at all. Is this power cable something that can be replaced?




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