
此为等候许久的Mac mini硬件更新。处理器方面支持选配3.6GHz四核i3,3.0GHz六核i5,及3.2GHz六核i7英特尔CPU。

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Snapped Fan Adapter What do I do? Help

I was doing a RAM swap out and upon reconnecting the fan power supply, the side of the fan power adapter snapped off. Please look at the pictures. I have circled the areas I am talking about. While the pins seem ok in the middle, it looks like there may be a metal contact spot on the side that broke off. So, will the fan still work? How do I know? What re my options? I can’t solder, so that won’t be one of them.

  1. Put some electric tape to hold the wire in place?
  2. Return it to apple (I have had the computer 2 days) and use Apple Care
  3. Replace the adapter and pay somebody to solder?

I just spent my savings on this and am heartbroken I messed up. I was trying to save money on RAM.

Thanks for your help.

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This looks like the logic board connector which is now not mounted to the logic board!

So while the connector’s side wall is damaged the rest of the connector is not connected electrically which is really the more important part of the connector. Let’s get a picture of the logic board showing where the connector was so we can see the rest of the damage. Once we get a better idea what we have to work with we can guide you on the best method to fix this.


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