
Repair guides and support for phones manufactured by BLU Products. BLU stands for 'Bold Like Us.'

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Why doesn't my phone work when it's not charging?

My Blu Studio Mega phone will shut off whenever I use it if it's not charging. If I open any apps to use or turn on my data it will shut off and I'll have to wait around 5-10 minutes until I can turn it on again. The battery can't be removed and I don't know what to do.

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@coronaharuka this is definitely sounds like a failed battery. I assume that this is a BLU Studio Mega since you did not state the maker. Batteries are readily available for this model. To remove the battery on this you most likely will have to pop off the back cover. Check this guide even so its a different model, it may still give you an idea. Blu Studio HD 6.0 Battery Replacement


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Thanks for answering! My phone is a BLU Studio Mega (Android version 8.1.0)


Again, most likely that you have to pop the back off. Not always easy but you got to give it a try. If not check with some of your local cellphone repair places to do it for you.




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