
Released June 2009 / 2.66, 2.8, or 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo Processor

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CPU and GPU very hot even though idle


running High Sierra (thanks to http://dosdude1.com/)

MBP running very often hot, not overheating, just hot. Often even in sleep mode and most of the time when idle.


running minimal Debian 10 server (no graphical interface).

no aditional software installed - CPU is running on <1% and is 51°C warm while the GPU is 71°C hot.

Removed the bottom cover and touched the heat sink next to the fan - its burning hot. I never removed the logic board but blew the dust out just like this.

My conclusion: The problem is not with the OS but something with the system management or even hardware is wrong.

Does anyone of you have a idea what the problem could be?

I like to use this MBP as my home Nextcloud server but as long as it gets as hot as this it’s a total waste of energy.. I’m in Indonesia, its already warm enough in my house I don’t need a heater.


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mmm… I’m sure your heatsink thermal paste needs refreshing given the age of your system. So that is one of the fist things I would do following this guide to get the heat sink off MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Mid 2009 Logic Board Replacement. You’ll need to fully clean the old paste off and them apply a good paste. Here’s the details 如何涂散热膏

Your systems heat sink maybe bad as well! before you remove it inspect the pipes as sometimes a pin hole can develop so the coolant leaks out. look for stains on the logic board and any white crusts near the heatsink and the uppercase where the logic board sits.

As far as OS’s …

While DosDude is one way to test out a new OS (High Sierra) on an older system, its not really that useful on a Core 2 Duo based system as the CPU & GPU have to work much harder (heat) and the performance of the apps are limited by the small memory footprint this system has.

The last time I used Debian it didn’t have a dedicated GPU driver for NVIDIA GeForce 9400M this system has. So the generic NVIDIA driver is used.

Frankly I would just install macOS El Capitan (10.11.6) and call it a day. At least that version allows a good thermal monitoring app like TG Pro that way you can really see what’s happening!

Arctic Silver ArctiClean图片


Arctic Silver ArctiClean


Electronics Skills图片





5 - 20 minutes

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Mid 2009 Logic Board图片


MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Mid 2009 Logic Board Replacement



1 - 2 hours


得分 2


ok, thanks. I will go for the heat sink and set it up with 10.11.6. Just to see if there is any improvement. But as mentioned the aim is to turn it into a personal nextcloud server. Just trying to keep the thing useful.. so I would consider it a failure having to settle for 10.11.6


@michuvon - laptops don't make good servers for many reasons ;-{

I would recommend selling it and locating a used Mac Mini as being a better investment

I have a Mac Mini my self for my media server running maOS Sierra. It manages my media library as well as does my backups from my other Mac systems.

If you have your eyes on other OS's then you may want to look at an Intel NUC system running Linux or Windows.




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