
苹果 iPhone 5s 于2013年9月10日公布。该设备的维修与以前的型号相似,需要螺丝刀和撬棒。可使用GSM或CDMA / 16、32或64 GB。颜色有银色、金色和太空灰。

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None of my iPhone 5s buttons work

So I recently replaced my battery and everything was fine. I charged it at let it turn on. I found out that my volume, mute, flashlight and power button wasn’t working I took my phone apart again to see what the problem was and under the braket near the top of the phone the conector piece (not the ones holding the screen down) had broke off and now I dont know what to do or how should i go about fixing it.

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Watching a full battery replacement guide would have probably helped avoid damaging the flat cable under the battery ;) Good news is the replacement part you need is quite inexpensive, bad news is there’s quite a bit of work to do. I’d recommend doing yourself a favour and look for a cable that already has metal button supports and vibration switch mounted. It seems we don’t have a guide for a 5S but the one for 5C is just about the same and you can use that one for reference:

iPhone 5c Audio Control and Power Button Cable Replacement


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Honestly you are probably better off getting a new phone at this point :-/ But if you are wanting to fix it, if it’s the power button assembly cable that is broken, it can be replaced. You just have to basically take everything out of the phone to get to it though. If the connector on the logic board is the damaged piece, it requires microsoldering to replace and will way outcost the value of the phone.


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