Replacement digitiser - home button not working
I’ve just replaced a friends digitizer on iPad 5, and the home button doesn’t work. I tried checking the connections and all seem fine. Any ideas please?
Did you use an iPad Air digitizer with pre-installed home button? While the digitizer works on both Air and 5th gen, home button is not interchangeable as they use different protocols.
Thank you - that’s interesting - it did say iPad Air / iPad 5 so probably. The previous home button was damaged by the glass, so I assume a new home button is required? I’m worried if I try to take the digitizer off again, it’ll damage the new one though?
@jg0254 That explains it, you need to buy a new iPad 5 home button, you have no choice but to take the digitizer off again :(
Do it with care to not break the glass, good luck.
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Crikey I might need it - thanks for your help!
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