
Released October 24, 2011 / 2.2, 2.4, or 2.5 GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 Processor

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MacBook Pro 15" CPU LOAD OVER 90~100%

Sorry I’m from Hong Kong and my English skills are very low

I just bought a second hand MacBook Pro 15” 2011 Late i7 2.2 GHz from a Facebook user.

Sadly, I found a problem with it. The system has a terrible lag, asked the seller immediately and he said he don’t know and was just helping his friend to sell it then he blocked me for any further dialog!

I google searched looking for more information on this condition. Most of the results and instruction to try to fix the issue nothing helped. Here’s one link thats like my systems problem: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/822...

Okay let’s back to help me.

1: CPU Load OVER 90%~100% when use 5~10 mins

2: When CPU OVERLOAD is on, EVERYTHING SLOW. But if I close the MacBook up about 30 secs then open it back, CPU Load is back to Normal, but 5~10 mins passed, it will back.

3: Computer fix shop found my Battery is not Original

My MacBook is at the computer shop now and they tried to fix it about 1 week and they still have no idea. They changed my Original HDD to SSD, installed the newest MacOS, Changed the RAM, they found my Battery is not Original and it’s new! 5 Cycle count, they didn’t have an original battery to change it for test, so they think the Battery is not the point make the computer lag and they fully checked my MacBook only the Battery is not Original everything is Original works well.

(Also the discussions apple link the last answer is Direct BATTERY is not ORIGINAL)

[I tried to find his friend 2weeks and I writing this post he replied he changed the battery and upgraded the macOS to HIGH SIEERA in same time then he found this lag problem too so he wanna sold fast]

4: Keep CHARGING , CPU Load keep in Normal

Keep Charging with 85W Apple Original Power Plug everything is well , but if I remove the power charge, CPU Load will Over 90% IMMEDIATELY

5: Reset SMC, PRAM, & Safe Boot didn’t help anything

Please help.Thanks

(I told the computer shop worker some repair problem I can’t do like:

1: Try to replace the Trackpad sensor {I found this from: Fan running at full speed, CPU throtled}

But I don’t sure because the Fan is normal.

2: Try to downgrade to El Captain


Here is the test screenshot

Block Image

CoCoNut 21% charging

Block Image

CoCoNut 100% without charging

Block Image

I just reboot about 2mins and TGPro status

Block Image

lagging TGPro status

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and the system background window

(CPU System Load - User - Idle)

Block Image

v this is my close up 30secs reopen capture v

Block Image

已回答! 显示答案 我也有这个问题


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Un-install or Disable CleanMyMac app


I have same issued and now already solved it, Its caused by battery, mostly found in demo laptop at showroom, because long term plug in cause battery malfunction, Circle count may low like new but battery is already gone. I change the new battery and fixed it. Now still I using this MacBook Pro 15" have no problem.


I think it may be the battery as per the previous comments BUT ALSO.... I thin you make also have to replace the Thermal Paste on the CPU as CPU Overload is due to your machine also running very hot and a MacBook pro are nearly 5 to 8 Years old now so I would highly recommend getting the thermal past redone as I have seen MacBook pro Laptop straight away improve their performances. All the best I hope this works too





If it runs flawlessly without battery plugged to the logic board you possibly have just a faulty battery, it can cause CPU throttling and full speed fans.

Try and error is usually the essence of modular repairs but it requires parts available and they cost money. You won’t find an original battery in the market unless you go getting it replaced at an Apple authorized centre, but non original batteries should work fine too.


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Shop worker said they can get the Original Battery with Apple authorized centre but they just worrying if not battery problem and they get the price too hard, this model is older hard to sell it....


@davis623 If the repair lab doesn't have a replacement battery to try and cannot unplug the battery installed to see how the Mac behaves without it I honestly don't see the point of having them trying to fix it. Nobody can really help at a distance and without testing parts, we can make an educated guess but someone has to do the job.


Agree..I messaged them and replied me if I sure is battery problem I need to pay no matter the problem fixed or not..should I?


@davis623 I would not agree with that proposal, I don't see the point in spending money with someone who doesn't have a clue..but that's just my personal opinion.


I would dig a bit deeper here on what diagnostics tells you.




I really think you need to do some deeper diagnostics here! The very first is to run the onboard diagnostics. Boot up your system pressing the D key to get into it. Did any errors pop? If so what did you see.

Reference: Mac startup key combinations

I would also install a good thermal monitoring app like TG Pro it will allow you to visually see what the onboard thermal sensors are telling you. There are other sensors but often its one of these that leads us to the fault. Post a screenshot of the full main window (you may need to grow it a bit to get all of the sensors to be seen 在已经存在的问题里加入图片

Visual inspection popping off the bottom cover to look for staining and corrosion on the logic board. As this is a used system we don’t know if something was spilled or if the system sat in something. If possible I would also remove the logic board to inspect the other side both the uppercase and the hidden part of the logic board MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Late 2011 Logic Board Replacement. Post some pics of anything that looks off (sharp & big)

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Late 2011 Logic Board图片


MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Late 2011 Logic Board Replacement



50 minutes






2 - 5 minutes


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Maybe I should take back my macbook first , and I buy the tools from ifixit , I don't think this shop is helping me anymore , I will comment back when I got it twice .


@danj Hi,I just uploaded the tested screenshot,please take a look


I'm doing a Extended Testing now


So you need a new battery. Lets install CoconutBattery and get a snapshot of the main window one with the MagSafe charger connected and the other with it disconnected when the battery is around 75% full. 在已经存在的问题里加入图片 You don't need to do the extended testing.


@danj I pressed the Stop Testing button and it didnt stop around 15mins

Can I force shutdown(hold the power off)?





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