
2.26 or 2.4 GHz / White plastic unibody enclosure

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How can I replace the cable for AirPort and Bluetooth connector?

Hi guys! So, I have some troubles here. I recently accidentally ripped off the cable that was connecting the AirPort and Bluetooth connectors on the speaker unit part. I also found out that I have to remove the display as well because the wire goes through the hinges and stuffs. But, I have no idea how to replace them and how do go about it. So, I really hope that someone here could shed some light to me. I’d really appreciate it!

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Hey Jeremiah,

I’m a bit confused by your post, but here’s the three possibilities I can guess:

  • If the cable simply came loose from the board, you should easily be able to reconnect the ribbon cable to the channel.
  • If you damaged the actual cable itself, you can buy a replacement for $20 here on iFixit.
  • If you damaged the channel itself on the board where the ribbon cable connects, then you’re probably out of luck in terms of repairing this yourself.

For a more in-depth guide regarding the repair, reference this link: MacBook Unibody Model A1342 AirPort/Bluetooth Cable Replacement

If you aren’t an experienced technician, always be sure to reference repair guides here on iFixit before attempting to repair/upgrade something yourself.

Hope this helps!



得分 2


You need to put a link to your web store on your profile.


Thanks for the suggestion @mayer. I'm actually in the process of rebranding at the moment, focusing more on local PC/Mac repair rather than selling products anymore. As soon as I get my website situation ironed out, I will definitely do so!


@alexrobinson Answering questions well is a learning process just like anything else in life. It takes a while. Do the work, support your answers, when you can with links. Look at the answers the moderators give as they are the most experienced at it. And by all means, never suggest using rice as a desiccant ;-)


Thanks for the tips! I appreciate having the support of the more experienced! Lol! @mayer




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