
The Acer Aspire One D270-1865 was released in 2012 by Acer Inc. as apart of the Acer Aspire One series of netbooks.

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Why is my screen not show

My screen is not show in my notebook.!!

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Hi @harimurari ,

Things to try:

With the laptop turned on, press Fn + F6 (both keys together) to check if this turns the screen on

Connect an external monitor to the laptop and check if it shows a display.

(even a TV if it has HDMI ports and you have the appropriate cable to connect between the laptop and the TV can be an external monitor) press Fn + F5 (both together) to toggle between the laptop screen, the external monitor and both screens together.

Try shining a torch at an angle close to the laptop screen to check if you can detect an image at all.

If you can you have a backlight problem. This could be caused by either a faulty video cable or a faulty screen.


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