
A1708/EMC 3164—于2017年6月上市,这台入门级MacBook Pro保留了它的传统功能键(相对于OLED触控条)。

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Replace Logic Board to Upgrade Specs

Hey guys, I’m aware that since my cpu and memory is soldered to the logic board, that I personally can’t swap out memory sticks to upgrade my ram for example. However, is it possible to purchase a new logic board with 16GB of ram (I currently have 8GB ram) instead of buying a whole new macbook pro? Thank you

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Problem might be finding the logic board in the market since it’s a relatively new model, but the replacement can be done, besides specs shape is the same. Unfortunately there seems to be not yet a guide on IFixit to help you. Pay special attention to the smaller connectors of loudspeakers, keyboard and relevant backlight and make sure you have a spudger to help you in the job. Watching guides of previous models will help you figure out how to correctly remove parts. If you live in an area with dry weather conditions you may want to ground yourself to avoid triggering static charges.


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Yes, a ESD mat and strap is a must in dry climates or in the winter!

You still might find buying a newer system will end up being cheaper after selling yours.




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