
2015年3月更新的 13 英寸 MacBook Pro 配备 Retina 显示屏,型号为A1502,采用第五代英特尔酷睿 i5 和 i7 处理器,并配备 Force Touch触控板。

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Stripped screws. ifixit screw extractor not working

Hi I purchased the screw extractor kit to try and get 3 screws that where stripped by Apple when they repaired my screen.

I have tried all the bits but not one has worked for me.

would someone be able to help me with this, I can't clean my mac which I know is dusty inside.

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Booked a Genius Bar appointment and they got them out and replaced them for free out of warranty and out of Apple care.


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If you or a friend have available one of those rotary tools such as a dremel or the likes you can use a round shaped thin cutting tool to create a slot on the screws head and use a flat head driver to get rid of the stripped screws. You have to have a steady hand but with some care you should manage. That's my favorite way to win smaller stripped screws.


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I do and would do that, however I would end up cutting the unibody


You could try using a jewelers hand drill with a left hand drill. going slow and easy pop the head of the screw off then use a good jewelers gripping plier slowly twist the shaft off. Often times just the act of drilling will loosen the screw.


I have just booked it in to apple and I have to prove that I did not damage them cos this happened after i replaced the screen by apple. I will just say that there is so much dust inside how could I have ever opened it.


Apple fixed it today at no charge, changed all the screws over and got the stripped ones out.




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