
Repair and disassembly information for amplifiers in home audio systems.

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Why aren’t my subs playing

I have 2 p2 Rockford fostgate 12s hooked up to a renegade 1000watt amp. I was listening to music & it just went out. Amp isn’t in protection mode @ all. No fuses are blowed. I replaced rca jacks & my LOC box. Still no sound. I did notice when I detached my speaker wires from box, I got a big spark. Is it possible that my voice could have went out in my subs or is it a wire somewhere? If I turn it up I can hear the lows but when bass hits it distorts. Get back w/ me soon.

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sounds like the subs are blown, try pushing in near the bottom of the coil cover to see what happens. have had this issue before but on a dj pa system


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