
Apple发布于2012年9月12日的第六代iPhone,维修时与前代型号一样,需要螺丝刀和撬棒。iPhone 5以多种版本销售:通讯制式有GSM/CDMA;存储容量有16/32/64G;颜色有黑/白。

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iPhone 5 turns off after putting it in my pocket

Hi guys,

Since monday or so my phone turns off after putting it in my pocket, got no battery issues since I replaced it last year, I also reset it quite recently. The phone shuts off ONLY when I place it there, it just works perfectly otherwise.

It's pretty annoying, what could it be?

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hi memo open and check battery connector

iPhone 5 更换电池





This is certainly odd...

A little bit more information might be helpful. When you say "shuts off", do you mean you have to power it back on via holding the power button for a few seconds and it does a full boot? What kind of pocket; a front or back pocket that is tight, or a loose pocket like a jacket? Does it happen in any pocket regardless of clothes or fabric?

I'm stretching here but the only two explanations I can think of are flexing (tight pockets) or some kind of static. Also, regarding your battery, don't assume it's alright just because you changed it. Run a diagnostic with a battery utility, such as coconutBattery (for Mac) or 3uTools (for Windows). It will tell you what the health of the battery is. Anything less than 70% of design capacity will require replacement.

Get back to the forum with more details...


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It happens in any kind of pocket - jackets, jeans, all sort of pants, I guess it's that downwards position that makes this happen in the first place. Yeah, that's what I mean by shutting off, I can turn it on just fine when I take it out.


Alright then, what happens if you sit down and put the phone in a pocket while it is still horizontal? Does the phone do it when put into a bag or backpack or nay other kind of case?


From what I've been testing, as far as the phone's not positioned downwards, it works fine.


late update but this is most likely dfu mode, do you have to hold the power and home button for up to 12 seconds? thanks



I’ve got the same problem

Phone stays on & works fine. But as soon as I put it into my pockets it switches off. Sometimes it takes a while before I can get it to come on again.

Really annoying


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I have the same issue on iPhone SE and unfortunately my off button is broken so I need to plug it in every time it shuts off from being placed in my pocket. So weird.


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Mine does same thing I thought I was crazy! Powered off after putting in back pocket doe a few minutes. I have to use power cord or wireless charger to resuscitate. Won’t come back with simply holding button


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And with full life battery once b sack on all good....



same problem here with iphone xr, anyone got a fix?


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