
Repair information and guides for the 2015 Retina MacBook Air. Model A1534

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What should I replace? Not sure if it's an LCD issue.


I have posted a related question How do I replace the LCD panel of a MacBook 12" Retina?.

One vertical strip appeared on my MacBook a few days ago, and then the situation worsened: now the screen is white.

This is what the screen first looked like:

Block Image

Here's how it changed the next day:

Block Image

Could this be an LCD issue? The computer works just fine, it's the screen that's broken.


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The newer retina displays are very difficult to open without damaging, which is why you won't find a guide breaking it down. As you can see here in IFIXIT's attempt: MacBook Pro Retina Display Teardown. It's not worth it! The display afterwards won't be as good as you'll likely damage the sheets or leave marks.

Here's the IFIXIT guide to replace the assembly: Retina MacBook 2015 Display Assembly Replacement and here's the part: MacBook 12" Retina (Early 2015) Display Assembly - Apple P/N 661-02241

Replace a display compatible with the early 2015 to 2017 model A1534 12" Retina MacBook laptop. Includes the 2304 x 1440 pixel 12" LCD screen, aluminum case, 480p Facetime webcam camera.图片


MacBook 12" Retina (Early 2015-2017) Display Assembly


MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2012图片


MacBook Pro Retina Display Teardown



Retina MacBook 2015 Display Assembly图片


Retina MacBook 2015 Display Assembly Replacement



2 - 3 hours


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I see Dan. I will totally consider doing some more tests and then replacing the display assembly which sounds a lot easier to do. Thanks for the links :)



Unlike the older displays which use a thicker glass. The retina series use very thin glass so instead of cracking or shattering which would clearly indicate a broken screen. The glass has a bit of flex so the micro traces along the edge can often get damaged (often called a TAB error). I suspect thats what happened here a bang along the edge or something heavy fell on the lid.


Wow, that's a great analysis, thanks! I suspect this is what happened since it didn't fall from my desk or anything like that. Do you think I may be able to fix the micro traces along the edge by opening up the computer and inspecting the internal components a little bit? The screen doesn't indeed look broken (I've typed LCD broken on Google and the images that popped up are a lot different than my current issue).


Sorry nothing fixable here ;-{ New display time.

Here's a vid that shows a bit more: Vertical lines in laptop screen - Free Quick fix. As you can see Karrissa applies pressure to reconnect the broken traces on the glass. This is not really a proper repair as the wedge solution only squeezes the connection together, the trace is still damaged.

Unlike the Asus laptop you can't get to the LCD on the MacBook to try the same and besides it's not a long term fix. The difference in hers (colored) Vs yours is related to the trace set, signal Vs power in yours it's the power side (Black & White)


Thanks so much for the video link and for your analysis on this, Dan! = :) I think I will either replace the display assembly or buy a new Mac completely. I will now try to apply some pressure to the screen as seen in the video and see if it works. The trace set signal vs power is so fascinating by the way, never thought you could tell which problem it was just by looking at the vertical bar/screen colors. Thank you!



2015 is compatible with a 2017, I just completed it last week


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A white screen has usually been a hard drive issue, but I don't know with the sticks. Try booting into recovery mode by holding down the Option key on start up and selecting the recovery partition and let us know if the problem persists.

Also hooking it up to an external monitor will tell us if the is an issue with the GPU.

Also try booting from an external USB source.

I just uploaded 48 images of doing this repair. But your screen does not appear to be broken. It appears to be malfunctioning and we need to diagnose the problem before trying to repair it

Block Image


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Thanks Richard (assuming that's your name), I appreciate it. The problem still persists – I don't have the adaptors to connect the Mac to an external monitor just yet but will definitely consider booting from an external USB source.


A straight white screen would be a question of the OS starting to load and stopping (bad HD) with the SSD models it can also hold true. A black or colored stripe (horz or vert) implies the LCD is damaged. It could also be a bad LVDS cable in the older models. The retina models use iDP which is a different signaling format which symptomatically is different if the cable is bad.

I do agree with you @mayer - Testing the system with an external monitor is always a good idea to make sure the GPU logic is not at fault.


Thanks @danj for your input.

@mayer Interesting to see that the screen may not be broken – will definitely try to connect it to an external monitor to see if this is an issue with the GPU.



Just quick question. Is the screen from 2015 model compatible with 2017?


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