Will not restore to factory settings
I got a iPhone 4s from my friend and he told me to fix it but I have tried to put it in recovery mode and DFU mode but both do not work I need help guys I need to know what to do from here...?
Does it say anything when you plug in the Iphone to your computer? and its not the charger cord correct?
Just need more info! Thanks in advance!
It says you have to unlock the iPhone before iTunes can sync the phone
The charger works fine
and you have trusted the computer? if not, try doing that. and if you did, maybe try disabling the passcode on the iphone under settings and then "Touch id and passcode". then type in your current passcode and disable the "Iphone unlock" option. Good luck!
Oh sorry , It is disabled now and it says connect to iTunes and my computer is a Mac
And it has never been synced to the computer before
Put the phone one and confirm if the Home button works. If it doesn't you have to change it.
If the button works then it may be the lightning port - 1st try to clean in inside if still doesn't work - change it.
Let me know how it goes.
The home button works and I have cleaned out the port and changed cords and still doesn't work
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