
iMac G4 17" 1.25 GHz Model M9168LLA PowerMac 6,1 introduced in 2003.

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Can my 2003 iMac become my 2009 MacBook?

So, this might be a long shot but just something I've been thinking about lately.

I have this 2009 MacBook Pro that, besides for the broken display, works fine. I have it connected to my tv and use it as backup for my 2012 MacBook Pro.

So very recently a friend gave me his 2003 17" iMac G4. Latest version of its kind. But still very slow and running OSX.

I know it'll need an Intel processor in order to update.

Now i was thinking. What if it were possible to just take the 2009 motherboard/processor/whatever and replace it with the 2003's. Or am I daydreaming when I think of that?

Would like to know your opinions as I am a new girl too all of this.

Lots of love.

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I use my G4 20" M9290 as a music server for my big speakers, to print out receipts on incoming machines and for invoices. Works just fine and still looks classy. It also lets people become aware that their old Macs are still useful.


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I do find it useful. I was just wondering if maybe I could take one slightly outdated product and one broken product and make it one new

However since not I will just use it for word ;)



No, you can't put a round logic board into a rectangle case! Sorry, I couldn't help my self spinning the old adage square peg into a round hole.

Sadly, the systems are very different and not compatible. Maybe you can sell your collection of your systems to help cover the expense for a newer system (new or used).


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Acually. I would put a rectangle logicboard in a round case.

But thanks for your awnser.


small square, large hole ,-)




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