
Model A1286. Released February 2011 / 2.0, 2.2, or 2.3 GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 Processor

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Internal speakers not appearing in output devices.


I am new to this forum because of a problem I had with my Mac.

A couple of months ago I got the plug of the headphones stuck in the jack since I pulled it out wrong and it broke off and got stuck in there.

I did not have any problems with the internal speakers but obviously I could not plug any headphones in. I tried everything to get the jack out but it wouldn't come out.

Just yesterday I was on the Mac and I was about to watch a video on YouTube and I turned up the volume by pressing f12 but when I pressed it the volume sign would come up but with a cross bar coming up meaning no sound.

I went to the System Preferences/Sound/Output and I saw that in the area where it said :Select a device for sound output The only device available was "Digital Out" as in the headphone piece.

Does anyone have any solutions?

Thank you

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Do you have any other devices connected to your MacBook? This issue appears to be unrelated to the broken off headphone jack, because your MacBook is only recognizing a digital output and the headphone jack is an analog output.


Look in the audio out port and see if you can discern a red light on.


I have this problem too, the digital output and headphones use the same socket.

There is a contact inside the headphone socket which automatically disables the internal speakers when a 3.5mm jack is inserted. It is likely the 3.5mm jack stuck inside your headphone socket is touching the contact and bypassing the speakers.

Unfortunately it appears the only way around this is to remove the audio jack yourself (good luck with that), take the mac to an apple service centre and pay an apple engineer to remove it, or give up on the internal speakers and use a usb/ bluetooth speaker instead.

There are a few forum discussions where people have been trying to find a way to disable the headphone socket in OSX settings but so far it does not appear anyone has had any success with that.


I blew into the hole for the headphones and everything was ok. There was only a little bit of dust inside, obviously





If you have a headphone plug stuck in the jack there is a neat tool that will pull it out. Here's the details: GripStick


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