Why won’t my camera turn on?
I tried turning on my camera but nothing is being displayed.
here are a number of issues that can cause the camera not to turn on. Look at the troubleshooting page for more details.
my camera will not on even you put the battery and put it on
do i need to chance the battery?
I already full charged but still couldn't on
try new card in camera , also make sure battery is in properly the right way round.
Is there a display on the top panel or is that blank as well?
Hi, I have one that won't turn on and the Tip panel is blank. Normally when it's off with a battery there's normally some icon showing but now there's nothing.
I have the same problem too
Nothing, I did try a new battery but nothing either
Usually it is the DC/DC board that has some part broken
Ciao Antonello, io ho una D7200 che non si accende minimamente e non visualizza nulla ne sull'LCD principale ne su quello secondario in alto. Aprendola, ho visto che la DC arriva correttamente alla scheda madre. Come faccio a verificare se è la scheda DC/DC o è proprio la scheda madre ad avere problemi?
Ciao non conosco la D7200 ma di solito tutte le Nikon si accendono anche senza la motherboard
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i had the same issue but got it repaired at mata electronics in bangalore.thanks to them contact them at mataelectronics@Gmail.com
由 Bitu Kotai 完成的