
The iBook G3 was unveiled in July 1999 as Apple's portable computer for consumers.

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No RAM = No display?

Hello there iFixit community.

I recently bought a broken iBook G3 off of eBay and the seller claimed the iBook would play the classic start up chime and have no display.

Now I thought the iBook had the well known soldering issue, or had a bad LCD monitor, however when I took it apart, I discovered the iBook had no RAM.

Now this brings on the main question, because my "new" iBook has no RAM, is this what is stopping the display from appearing, or should I still attempt to find and solder the graphics chip?

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Actually, there is no such thing as an iBook with no RAM, because all iBook G3s have at least 64MB permanently embedded in the logic board. Most likely you're just dealing with the typical iBook G3 video defect, which at this point isn't worth putting effort into (unless you're a hobbyist messing around for the fun of it).


得分 2


You're right - been so long I forgot about that.


Thank you for your answer.

I'll try to fix the screen, as I purchase quite a few busted computers off eBay to repair and this is my first iBook.

Once again thanks your answer.


If the laptop has the video defect, replacing the screen will not help -- the issue is the video chip becoming disconnected from the logic board. The only way to permanent fix this is to remove and re-affix the chip, which requires professional tools and experience, and is just not worth the cost or effort considering you're dealing with a laptop that has a value of $50 when fully working.




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