DualSense Controller V1
Experiencing unwanted movement or input from your DualSense controller's thumb sticks, commonly known as Stick Drift? Try some of the tips on this page to resolve the issue.
Picture this—it's video game night and you're in the middle of tense match. You're ready to make your move, but your controls keep veering to the left, even when you aren't touching anything. You intended to sit put, but your in game avatar ekes into your enemy's sights and BOOM. Game over. Your friends will never believe your cries that this joystick did you wrong, but trust us—it's not just you. The concept of joystick drift (the name for the above phenomenon) was brought to mainstream attention by [link|https://www.ifixit.com/News/31285/nintendo-switch-joy-cons-failing-how-to-fix|Nintendo's Joy-Con controllers|new_window=true]. But drift can happen anywhere analog joysticks live, your PS5 controller included. To understand the whys, it may be worth reading [link|https://www.ifixit.com/News/48944/heres-why-ps5-joysticks-drift-and-why-theyll-only-get-worse|iFixit's more detailed coverage|new_window=true], but we'll get into some of that in the causes below. Just know that not only is it repairable, but preventable with some modest upgrades. == The Basics == Before undertaking any of the more time-consuming solutions below, here are a few fundamentals to start with. * ***Restart your console.*** Turning off your PlayStation, or computer (if you're using the DualSense controller with your PC) would accomplish the same thing. This resets any running processes and could clear a minor software fluke. * ***Reset your controller.*** The DualSense controller has a small reset button on the back cover. Use a paperclip, or [product|IF145-091|SIM eject tool|new_window=true] to press and hold this button for at least 5 seconds. This will clear all settings and revert to defaults. [image|3303016|size=medium|align=center] * ***Clean the controller.*** Start with a damp cloth to remove external grime on the controller. Use 90% isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab to clean around the dome of the thumb stick. This should remove surface crumbs preventing full joystick motion. * ***Confirm drift is your problem***. Connect your controller to a computer and [link|https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad|use a tester|new_window=true] to verify the inputs your controller is receiving. It gives a visual representation of exactly what your controller thinks is going on. This is also handy as a post repair step to verify your fix! [comment]solutions[/comment] == Outdated Software or Firmware == As Sony discovers bugs or inefficiencies in your Playstation's operation, they roll out fixes via updates. Updates can address numerous issues, including controller performance. * Start by updating your controller's firmware. This is the most likely update to address a controller specific issue. ## Connect the controller to the console using a USB cable. ## Go to ***Settings*** > ***Devices*** > ***Controllers*** > ***Update System Software.*** ## If there is an update available, you will be prompted to do so. Accept the update and retest once it has completed. * If your issue continues, update the system software for your Playstation 5. This controls the overall function of the console, not just your controller. In some instances, a newer update might fix an issue with how the console perceives inputs. ## Open ***Settings*** and select ***System*** ## Choose ***System Software Update and Settings*** ## If an update is available choose ***Update System Software,*** and choose ***Update Using Internet.*** * Finally, update any games where drifting is noticeable. Many games also have settings that control input sensitivity or other controller configurations. ## Navigate to the game you want to update. ## Once it is selected, press the Options key on your controller. ## Select Check for Update in the menu that appears and follow the onscreen prompts to install if an update is available. == Misconfigured Settings == Not every gamer uses their controllers in the same way, or has the same preferences when it comes to the way they game. Sony, and other developers work in configuration settings to account for this. * Deadzone settings specifically can assist in combating joystick drift***.*** A joystick's deadzone is the area in the center where input is not recognized. Changing the default deadzone can offset drift by ignoring otherwise drift-worthy joystick readings. ** Open ***Settings*** and select ***Accessories*** > ***DualSense Edge Wireless Controller*** > ***Custom Profiles*** > ***Create Custom Profile*** and ***OK***. ** Within this menu, select ***Stick Sensitivity/Deadzone.*** ** Experiment with a larger deadzone to offset minor drift. * While you're in the custom profiles menu, verify joystick sensitivity is to your liking. High sensitivity can intensify minor drift, smaller joystick movements will result in larger outcomes in game. * Double check any games where drift is prevalent for similar settings. Many games will have a subsection of the menu dedicated to controllers. == Internal Debris == Any gamer knows, your controller is going to get downright disgusting. No matter what you do. Even though the internals are shielded from most debris, there’s no keeping it out altogether. Giving the joystick mechanism a good clean can get you back on track. # Start with cleaning the externals if you have not already. Debris could be trapped and not allowing the stick to return to a neutral position. A damp cloth and some elbow grease, might be all you need. # Use the [guide|142063|Joystick Cover Replacement Guide] to access the internal mechanism. # Pop off the joystick cover and [link|https://youtu.be/ZkJcOWaz1z8?si=rw8Qh4-1FkL8WTGb&t=113|spray some electronics cleaner into the internals|new_window=true]. Ideally you’ll want one that doesn’t leave a residue (like [link|https://www.amazon.com/BW-100-Nonflammable-Electronic-Contact-Upsidedown/dp/B07FNBW47M?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1|BW-100|new_window=true]). # Move the thumb stick in all directions to spread the contact cleaner around. This will move the internal parts of the joystick and clean off any corrosion or debris in the process. ** If you don’t want to open up your controller, you can give the [guide|147338|no disassembly method|new_window=true] a go, but this sort of cleaning is best done directly. ** Alternatively, you can go full bore and [guide|168202|clean the inside of the stick manually|new_window=true]. There is some chance of damage in this process, since you'll need to bend parts to get at the needed components. So undertake at your own risk. == Joystick Wear == Ultimately, even cleaning may be a temporary fix. To understand why, you'll need to know a bit about their operation. Analog joysticks have an inherently limited lifespan. As you tilt the stick, small conductive wipers move over an electrically resistive pad. The position of these wipers creates a difference in voltage output (due to variances in electrical resistance) which your PlayStation translates into directional information. Over time, this resistive material wears away. This changes the way the sticks behave. Voltages will no longer read as expected and your character might end up slowly walking to their doom rather than sitting put. Erosion could become so severe, parts of the resistive track might wear through altogether. Think about how many times you move a joystick in just an hour of use! [grid][image|3302961|size=medium] [image|3302960|size=medium][/grid] * The only way that joystick wear can be solved is replacing [product|IF460-017|your sticks|new_window=true] altogether. * On the DualSense controller, [guide|142488|joystick replacement] requires some soldering (and desoldering) know how. But if you're up for a challenge, it's achievable even as a solder novice. * Consider using Hall effect sensor joystick replacements. They utilize magnets to generate the same sort of voltage differences created in the stock joysticks. Their frictionless function means they'll last much longer than stock joysticks, they're more accurate, and it's just plain cool science! == Faulty Circuit Board == If you're still getting drift even after joystick cleaning and replacement, this issue can extend to the board level. It is usually related to liquid spill, but can arise in some cases even without. * Inspect your controller's internals, focusiing on any circuit boards. Check for bend, burnt components, or any of that nefarious green fuzz that comes with liquid damage. Clean up any corrosion with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab (or an old toothbrush for more stubborn grime). * You may be able to find replacement boards to transplant into your housing. There is some minor soldering needed to undertake this, but nothing a [product|IF317-002|basic soldering iron|new_window=true] and a positive attitude can't handle. * The Dual Sense controller contains a microprocessor which handles input data. You can conduct repairs to address damage to this chip, or the circuits feeding it if you are skilled in soldering small surface mount components. * Circuit board repair advanced than the average fixer can undertake, so proceed with caution, or seek professional assistance. It might be better cases of board damage to replace the controller altogether since the cost of repair may exceed the cost of a new one. [comment]conclusion[/comment]
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