Basic Camera Repair Tools
These are the tools you'll generally need for a range of basic repairs. This includes tools needed to just open up the camera and to replace more common parts such as the main PCB board or the front cover of the camera.
JIS Screwdriver
While all the screws on Canon cameras may appear to be Philips screws, often times they are actually JIS screws. While it's possible that some screws found in Canon cameras may be Phillips screws (there are occasionally screws in parts catalogs marked as "PH"), it's always safer to use a JIS screwdriver as they will not damage Phillips screws. On the flip side, using a Phillips screwdriver on JIS screws could potentially damage them and greatly increase your chance of stripping the screw. Phillips screwdrivers can still be used in a pinch, but it's recommended that you buy a JIS screwdriver as it's worth avoiding the risk of stripping screws. In specific, a JIS #000 screwdriver seems to work best in most applications.
Torx Screwdriver
Although less common, some cameras will contain torx screws, which will require a torx screwdriver to remove. If you plan on replacing an image sensor, they are also usually held in place using torx screws.
2.5mm Flathead Screwdriver
This screwdriver isn't strictly necessary, but it can come in handy for disconnecting specific cables inside of cameras such as the microphone cable and the power cable on the DC PCB board on certain cameras.
Precision Tweezers
Precision tweezers are a must for camera repair. They are useful for picking up small parts, including all the tiny screws that are used in cameras. Tweezers are also helpful for disconnecting and reconnecting ribbon cables that you find in cameras. It's recommended that you have both a straight and angled pair of tweezers as they can both come in handy in different situations. A blunt pair of tweezers can also be good to reduce the chance of damaging ribbon cables while handling them. You can also find rubber tipped tweezers which are even more safe for working with ribbon cables.
The spudger is just a very versatile tool that can be used in a wide variety of situations. They're useful for prying off parts and the plastic construction reduces the chance of damaging components. The flat end of the spudger can also be used to lifting up locks on ribbon cable connectors.
Opening Picks
Plastic opening picks are another useful tool for prying. Since they are thinner than spudgers, there are situations which they can come in handy where the spudger may not work well.
Anti-Static Wrist Strap
It's recommended to use an anti-static wrist strap any time you're taking apart a camera. There are many sensitive components inside of cameras including the main PCB board and the image sensor that you risk damaging with electrostatic discharge otherwise.
Magnetic Project Mat
Cameras contain dozens of tiny screws and there are a many variations in the sizes of screws that are used. A magnetic project mat goes a long way towards being able to keep track of where each and every screw you remove came from on the camera and is immensely helpful for organization.
Capacitor Discharge Tool
The DC PCB board on cameras contain a high voltage capacitor for the camera flash. It is crucial that this capacitor is properly discharged to avoid electric shock. You can also create your own capacitor discharge tool using just a few materials.
Advance Camera Repair Tools
These tools are generally useful when performing more advance repairs or for repair very specific issues on cameras.
Digital Multimeter
If you know what you're doing, a digital multimeter can be helpful for diagnosing a variety of problems with cameras. It is also good to check the flash capacitor with a multimeter to ensure it has been properly discharged.
Soldering Tools
Some repairs will require a soldering iron, typically in situations where cables are soldered directly onto a circuit board. For example, the cables between the DC PCB board and the top cover are sometimes soldered in place instead of attached through a connector. Soldering tools also includes different tips, solder, tip cleaners, flux, and helping hands.
Heavy-Duty Suction Cup
Suction cups can be used for removing the LCD screen window on cameras. They can make it easier to replace the LCD screen window without the need for disassembling the entire screen assembly. When buying a suction cup, just make sure that the suction cup is not larger than the screen itself, or it won't be able to form a proper seal.
Heat Gun
A heat gun can be used to soften adhesive holding the LCD screen windows on the camera, making them easier to remove. Alternatively, a hair dryer can also be used for this purpose in a pinch.
Digital Caliper
A digital caliper is valuable where precision measurements are needed. An example where one might come in handy is measuring the spacer washers used on some image sensors to be able to identify the thickness of each washer to keep track of where each one needs to be reinstalled. A digital caliper can also come in handy for more general purposes such as measure the length of the various screws found in the cameras.
Camera Repair Supplies
These are supplies that can come in handy with certain repairs.
Isopropyl Alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol is good for cleaning electronics. It is recommended that you use a concentration of 90% or greater.
Cotton Swabs
Cotton swabs are great for cleaning electronics with isopropyl alcohol. They can also be used for cleaning grim out of hard to reach places, or applying other adhesives or solutions.
Contact Cement
Contact cement can be useful for holding plastic parts in place. Contact cement can also work on rubber and potentially be used if the rubber grip on your camera isn't staying on as it should.
Sensor Cleaning Kit
Many people are afraid to clean their camera sensors. However, if you buy a sensor cleaning kit and follow the instructions, the risk of damaging the sensor is extremely small. When buying a kit make sure you buy the correct one for the size sensor your camera has.
Polyimide Tape
Polyimide tape is useful while soldering to protect components on the circuit board near where you're soldering. The tape can also be used to help hold cables in place or to insulate components as needed.