
三星盖乐世 Note 20 和 Note 20 Ultra 拆解


正翻译步骤 10

步骤 10
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra Teardown: 步骤 0 中的图像 1,3 Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra Teardown: 步骤 0 中的图像 2,3 Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra Teardown: 步骤 0 中的图像 3,3
  • The strangest thing about these phones so far is, of all things, what lies underneath the motherboards.

  • To soak up all the heat from each phone's octo-core processor, we expect to find a sprawling copper vapor chamber here—the kind Samsung was always quick to brag about in previous Galaxy Phones. But instead, we find a multi-layered graphite thermal pad.

  • Stranger still, it seems some other Note 20 phones do have copper heat pipes—but not our US-spec model. Does the Exynos SoC on international models require different cooling hardware than our phones, with their Snapdragon processors?

  • Our friend Zack, of JerryRigEverything fame, tells us his South Korea model also has graphite. Stay tuned for more details on that.

  • Our next thought was, maybe this comes down to heat-prone 5G mmWave hardware, which not all Notes have—but that doesn't line up either. Is it some kind of A/B test on new cooling hardware? There must be some logic here, but we can't figure it out. Let us know if you have ideas.

  • Update: We gathered some additional intel on the different cooling systems and some inside dirt on Samsung's design process. Read all about it!

  • Speaking of mmWave modules—both our phones have them, but only two each. In contrast, the Note10+ 5G and S20 Ultra got three. Has the hardware improved such that only two are needed, or is something else going on?



还是很奇怪,看样子有些其他的 Note 20 手机们配备了铜热管——但不包括我们的美国版本型号。难道是国际版的猎户座(Exynos) SoC 需要和我们的骁龙处理器不同的散热硬件?

我们来自 JerryRigEverything 的朋友扎克(Zack)告诉我们,他的韩国版本型号也有一样的石墨导热片。请继续关注详情。

我们的另一个想法是,也许这归结于发热量巨大的 5G 毫米波硬件,但不是所有 Note 手机都具备——但是那也说不通。是不是在新的冷却硬件上进行了某种A / B测试?这里需要一些逻辑,但我们无法将其寻找出来。请让我们了解你的想法。


说到毫米波模块——我们的手机都拥有它们,但每部手机只有两个。相比之下,Note10 + 5GS20 Ultra 则有3个。硬件是否进行了改进,而改进后只需要两个?或者还有其他的原因?

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