

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone 6,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone 6拆解, iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解, iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 时间到了!来看看技术规格吧!

    • 苹果64位A8处理器

    • 第二代M8 协同处理器

    • 16、64或128GB的存储容量

    • 4.7英寸,1334 x750 (326 ppi),高清Retina显示器

    • 800万像素iSight摄像头(像素间距为1.5μ,并且拥有自动对焦感光元件)以及1200万像素的FaceTime的前置摄像头。

    • 搭载的Touch ID指纹触摸器的Home键,气压计,3轴陀螺仪,加速度计,环境光感侦测仪

    • 支持802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi +蓝牙4.0(低功耗蓝牙)+ NFC(近场感应系统)+20个频道的4G LTE行动网路


    yangle - 回复

  2. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 我們排了很长队才拿到iPhone 6,我们已经等不及要拆解它了!

    • 再一次感謝我们在MacFixit Australia的好朋友們让我们用他们墨尔本的办公室來进行拆解。他们有Mac和iPhone的配件,和我们的 iFixit 工具套装。

  3. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 苹果公司已经替这只iPhone6的型号命名为A1586。

    • 这个“凸点”,正如大家所知,在iPhone6上明显可见。苹果选择镜头凸出机身的代价,来提升更好的光学性能。

    • 想知道这个“凸点”到底有多大?我们的测量结果约为0.6毫米。

    • 光学性能,这次你赢了!

    How will be unlock sim in Bangladesh ?

    Md.Ibrahim - 回复

  4. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 除了Lightning接口和五角螺丝。 iPhone 6的圆角设计很容易使人联想到第一代iPhone

    • 我们的54螺丝刀替换头套装,成功将五角螺丝拆除了。

  5. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 大家都应该感谢iSclack。用这个工具来打开手机真的很过瘾!

    • 我们相信iSclack足以让全新的iPhone 6在空中闪耀,但是当你决定在家尝试这个时,还是该使用双手以防不测。

    • 把屏幕移除后,我们开始探索iPhone 6的内部。

    Удалите следующие винты с головкой Phillips, которые крепят  кронштейн батареи:

    Один винт длиной 2.3 mm., (обозначен красным)

    Один винт длиной 3.1 mm., (обозначен оранжевым)

    Дмитрий Ирашин - 回复

  6. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 这个步骤可能演示了错误的回​​旋镖使用方法,iFixit必须坚持,不管是不是专业人士或是在其监督下进行拆解,请大家进行维修时,不要选择回旋镖或一边飞一边用。

    • 这才是回旋镖真正用法嘛~我们询问了几个澳洲人,他们一致认为这才是回旋镖正确的打开方式。

    What exactly is the boomerang supposed to do, or is that a joke?

    Zack Kilgore - 回复

    Dude! Nothing's a joke. As apple uses special screwdrivers for their special screws, they use boomerang to completely detach the front panel assembly from the main unit. I tell you that was very difficult to figure out. But ifixit did it! _/\_

    Tarang Goyal -

    What a 'lame' joke! And such nerds!

    Sam Giler - 回复


    Rexford Dorchester -

    Looking at the "airfoil" on that boomerang it's either a) left handed or b) a piece of junk. Considering the obtuse angle of it's wings, I'd say opening iPhones is it's only useful purpose.

    spatlese44 - 回复

    'I bought myself a new boomerang, but had no space in my back yard to use it'

    Kts - 回复


    My iPhone 6, subiltely, has lost cellular signal. I've changed the complete lighthening connector with , two times. But still no signal.

    Someone could help me, I don't see what could it be ??

    Mon iPhone 6 a subitement perdu le signal réseau. J'ai changé la nappe complète avec le connecteur ligthtening, deux fois, mais sans résultat.

    Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider, je ne vois pas d'où peut venir le problème, une autre piste ?

    Merci, thanks

    guillaume - 回复

    Had a right good larf at this loool

    Delboy1st - 回复

    Удалите следующие пять винтов с головкой Phillips, которые крепят кронштейн шлейфа блока передней панели:

    Три винта длиной 1.2 mm., (обозначены красным)

    Один винт длиной 1.5 mm., (обозначен оранжевым)

    Один винт длиной 2.9 mm., (обозначен желтым)

    Дмитрий Ирашин - 回复

    Bruh you didn't mention earlier that I need boomerang to teardown my phone. Nonetheless I have a boomer is that count?

    Miruxa - 回复

  7. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 虽然拆解外壳时没碰到任何十字螺丝,但内部一定有十字螺丝。幸运的是,我们的专业螺丝刀套装可以解决这款iPhone的任何螺丝。

    • 利用我们手中的螺丝刀,我们取出用来固定金属支架固定前面板组件的螺丝。

    Obligatory product placement eyeroll

    Toni Jo - 回复

    I understand you're trying to sell things, and that's ok, but it would be nice to explain how to open the phone without a specific $25 tool. I used to think of ifixit as the authority on repairs, but now I have to go elsewhere to figure out how to repair things without these specific tools.

    First Last - 回复

    Have you looked for guides on here? This was a teardown, not a guide, if you want instructions look for that. Not meaning to be rude at all

    Blake Williamson -

  8. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们轻松的把Home键由前面板组件上拨开—— 不过,如同以往,如果你的手没有如手术医生般的稳定,很容易就会把周围的橡胶密封垫圈撕裂。

  9. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 和iPhone 6 Plus一样,前置摄像头和耳机扬声是包括在前面板组件中的。

    • 我们将它们小心拆出来排列在一边,为一会儿的检查做准备。

    Any idea of why my FaceTime camera lens keeps moving to the left? I have replace my iPhone 6 once already.


    joshhyde - 回复

    +1 for this. Weird crescent moon effect really stands out in black iPhone 6

    Richard - 回复

  10. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 到目前为止,这一款“小”iPhone 6的整体结构酷似它的大哥,6​​ Plus。

    • 此金属板和它覆盖住的前面板就是很好的例子。整体的设计反映了iPhone 6 Plus,那么在这种情况下就代表有一定的改善。

  11. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们超喜欢这些电池拉片。正确地拉着时,它们可以帮你节省掉用撬开工具来拔出电池的麻烦(和潜在的危险)。

    • 这种粘合剂跟3M无痕粘合剂很相似,当你以正确方法的拉动电池拉片,电池将可以简单的取出。

  12. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,2
    • iPhone 6 内含有一个规格为1810毫安时的电池,电压为3.82伏与总能量为6.91瓦小时的锂聚合电池。但当我们翻到背面时,发现总能量竟然增加到7.01瓦小时!也许苹果工程师能够在确认前面的规格后,再额外挤出0.1瓦小时。

    • 苹果公司宣称这个28克(3.75" x 1.5" x 0.13")的电池续航时间为3G谈话长达十四个小时,待机时间为250小时。

    • 比较起来,它比iPhone 6 Plus的11.1瓦小时,2915毫安时还小了一些——但依然比iPhone 5s的1560毫安时容量大多了。

    • 这种电池似乎有身份认同危机(意即产地不明)。在前面印的是苹果南亚(泰国)和苹果日本的标记。但在后面显示的是,实际上是在惠洲,中国制造。

    How does the 28-gram weight compare with previous versions ? And to the iP6 Plus density ?

    64.6 mA per gram is better than competing battery solutions from LG and Samsung ?

    Joao Fabio Tavares - 回复

    Probably the 6.91 Wh is the design capacity and the 7.01 Wh is a measured value

    cabo - 回复

    I don't see an identity crisis for this battery, the Thailand and Japan text are next to mandatory regulatory marks for batteries in those countries (circled diamond logo and circled PSE logo). Between them is a UL recognised component mark (c reversed UR US mark). Presumable it is less trouble for Apple to apply for them through local subsidiaries.

    Bryn Jones - 回复

  13. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 告诉大家一个好消息!后置摄像头用镊子很容易就取出来了。

    • 虽然它没有像iPhone 6 Plus花俏的光学影像防震动功能,这一款手机几乎拥有其他所有的技术: 800万像素,ƒ/2.2 光圈,True Tone 闪光灯和Focus Pixels自动对焦。

    • 它还有包括自动影像防震动功能,试图模仿OIS (光学影像防震动功能) ,但利用影像处理的技术。

    Hope you breakout the calipers and measure the thickness of the rear camera between the 6 & 6 Plus.

    Rette - 回复

    +1 for this -----

    3gfisch -

    That's also the first thing I was thinking about. How cool would it be if you can drop a 6+ camera module in a 6?

    Johnny -

    So would it actually be possible the swap the camera out for the 6 Plus camera?!? Looks about the same size.

    arockstar - 回复

  14. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们以镊子拔出天线的速度肯定比你玩这个嗡嗡响的游戏的速度还快。

    • 我们很快的掌控了“情况"然后快速的往前进。

    • 下一步是逻辑版了。虽然被相当优雅的EMI屏蔽住,我们很希望快快看到里面到底是长什么样子。

    I'm curious about the antenna design, how did they fit wifi/bluetooth, GPS, diversity and NFC into the top area?

    Tom Chai - 回复

    I too am interested in how the antennas are configured. Especially how they attach to the phone via the plastic connectors ... are these top and bottom sections removable? Would it be possible to swap them out with a different phones to come up with a different color scheme, among other things?

    RDS -

    In the 6+ teardown (step 27) you show it has rubber gaskets around the buttons. Does the 6 include these as well?

    Bryan - 回复

    Somewhere in the teardown around this stage, this small piece came out and I don't know where from. Anyone know what this is?? It says, "00095-A" with a small box thing at the end of the character string. Thanks so much in advance!

    (showing both sides)




    shauhncy - 回复

    That looks like the interconnect cable just below and to the right of the rear camera module. You can see it in this step. The teardown is not really meant to be used as instructions; for better results, use one of the many guides for the iPhone 6.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Anyone know where I can get the Skyworks 77803-20 Mid Band LTE PAD? I need to fix a phone.

    Jason Younger - 回复

  15. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 这是主板前面

    • 苹果A8晶片+SK海力士闪存,上头标示代号为:H9CKNNN8KTMRWR-NTH (我们猜测,跟iPhone 6 Plus一样,这是个容量为1G的低电压快闪记忆体)

    • 高通MDM9625M LTE 调制解调器

    • 思佳讯 77802-23 LTE低频段功率信号放大器

    • 安华科技 A8020 高频段功率信号放大器

    • 安华科技 A801​​0 超高频段功率信号放大器 + 薄膜体声波谐振器

    • 思佳讯77803-20 中频段LTE PAD

    • 应美盛 MP67B 六轴陀螺仪与加速器

    Does anybody know why Skyworks doesn't list any of these chips on their site? (I'm curious to see if they indeed support LTE Band 12, even though it's not officially listed as supported yet.)

    Chris - 回复

    If we look on real iPhone 6 or 6 Plus board then we can see near of Gyro is available Accelerometer separated it look like on iPhone 5S, possible combo is used on Prototype board or some Chinese revision but global uses separated ic's of Gyro and Accel.

    Filip Pusca - 回复

    how much of logic board ?

    ahmed - 回复

    and how i can get ?

    ahmed - 回复

    what is e-compass?

    Eagle Jiang - 回复

    Can you remove the EMI sheleds and still have the iPhone work after the repair? It seems like one of the connections on the logic board was broken in the removal of the shields.

    Ryan Scott - 回复

  16. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,1
    • 更多IC在逻辑主板前方:

    • 高通QFE1100包络追踪IC

    • RF Micro Devices公司RF5159天线开关模块

    • Skyworks公司77356-8中频段PAD

  17. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,1
    • 逻辑主板后面:

    • SanDisk SDMFLBCB2 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND闪存

    • 村田339S0228 Wi-Fi 模块

    • 苹果/对话框 338S1251-AZ电源管理IC

    • 博通BCM5976触摸屏控制器

    • 恩智浦LPC18B1UK ARM Cortex-M3的微控制器(也称M8运动协处理器)

    • 恩智浦NFC 65V10模块+安全元件(内部可能包含恩智浦PN544 NFC控制器)

    • 高通公司WTR1625L RF收发器

    There is the Barometer below the SanDisk NAND Flash. Looks like a BMP from Bosch Sensortec

    Joe Ortaniak - 回复

    Where is the gray outline i cant see it

    russellschoonmakerjr - 回复

  18. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,2
    • 更多IC在逻辑板后方:

    • 高通公司WFR1620只接收配套芯片。高通指出, WFR1620“应当与WTR1625L执行载波聚合。 ”

    • 高通 PM8019 电源管理 IC

    • 德州仪器 343S0694 触摸传递器

    • AMS AS3923 NFC IC助推器旨在“改善现有的NFC控制器,用于充满挑战的环境,如移动和可穿戴设备性能”,同时也提供了“较少限制天线设计要求” 。

    • 我们相信,这款芯片的NFC前端可以提高在嘈杂的环境中的‘点对点比特率[高达] 212KB / s的’。

    • Cirrus Logic公司338S1201音频编解码器

    • 对我们在Chipworks工作的朋友们表示衷心地感谢,感谢他们帮我们识别所有芯片。没有他们我们也做不到这么好!

    In Step 18, can you identify the chip at the far right of the board, sort of diagonally between the holes at the top right corner and bottom? It's the larger and bottom-most of the two chips at that end of the board, directly above the bottom hole. It appears to also be in the 6 Plus at Step 22 at around the same place on its board.

    jon - 回复

  19. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,2
    • 拆除振动器。这是新的。。。改进过的吗?

    • 振动器机制似乎像选择可口可乐或着百事可乐一样,永远没有一个明确的答案。苹果公司一直不断的改变这配件的设计:

    • iPhone 4 (平衡重量)

    • iPhone 4S (线性振动)

    • iPhone 5/5s (平衡重量)

    • 以外表来看,我们猜测苹果公司在这一次的iPhone上用了线性振动的设计。

  20. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,2
    • 今年的手机型号在扬声器上有使用新设计。

    • 但是因为表面模糊不清,我们认为这只是从iPhone 5s 扬声器的微小更新。

    They are using a multi-driver speaker, trying to improve the sounds maybe.

    Tom Chai - 回复

    who are the mics and speakers provider? still Knowles or have they changed it? thanks

    Laimo -

    Does anyone know if Knowles is still the supplier of the speakers? Would really appreciate. Thx

    Sam Slant - 回复

    Does the thinner speaker make usage improvement on the space?

    Sam - 回复

  21. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,2
    • 现在我们宣布耳机插孔和Lightning接口合而为一。两者将成为一家人,变成单一的电缆。

    • 这个新的结合意味着你以后不能只能更换一个接口了——如果你的接口出现故障了,需要两者一起修。这是个坏消息。

    They were together since the iPhone 5, so what is the point?

    Tom Chai - 回复

    can anyone explain the function of the small wire with the gold connection piece on the lightning port piece?

    Varan Cole - 回复

    I'd guess grounding - but ground to *what**? The case?

    jimwitte - 回复

    This seems to be an antenna coax cable with a miniature coax connector at the end. In the picture, it seems to have been "plugged up" with a small conductive foam piece, I don't see why that is necessary, except for preventing dirt to get in?

    Stephan Fuelling - 回复

    Actually nothing is plugged up—the foam lies on the back/top of the connector. Almost every cable connector in the phone has a foam pad on the top to fill the air gap between the connector and whatever lies above it. Helps keep it from jiggling loose while evenly distributing force over the surface of the connector.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  22. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 2,2
    • 镊子简化我们的生活。它们允许我们轻松地剥离精致的电缆组件,例如电源键和音量键。

    • 就这样,这套按钮组件轻轻松松地与iPhone外壳解体了。

    • 这套组件看起来与我们在iPhone 6 Plus里发现的非常相似。

    объясните пожалуйста, что за пластинка на которой яблоко, на первом фото. за что она отвечает? она ещё слева и справа прикрыта защитой чёрной.

    l7apoBo3uk WP - 回复

  23. iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 2,2
    • 这就是我们的拆解。 iPhone 6 在我们10分可修复性得分获得了值得尊敬的7分。理由如下:

    • 在iPhone5系列的大趋势下,显示屏还是手机第一个可以拆除的组装,完全简化了屏幕维修。

    • 电池也是可以很容易拆除的。需要用到专有的五角螺丝刀和了解如何去除胶粘剂,但是并不难。

    • 指纹传感器的电缆已重新铺设,改良了iPhone 5s之前可修复性的问题,并使得手机可以更容易及安全的被拆解。 (之前在5s,如果用户打开时手机时不小心会很容易拽断电缆。)

    • iPhone 6 仍然在使用专有的五角螺丝,需要用到特殊螺丝刀才能卸下。

    • 苹果公司还是不同意将iPhone 6的维修资料分享给独立维修店或者给消费者。

    wait where is the NFC coils?

    dennis97519 - 回复

    NFC doesn't need "coils" unless it's a low power device. The iPhone is not low power.

    scottwilkins -

    NFC most certainly needs "coils" or a loop antenna to function. This is because of the load modulation defined in the ISO14443 spec. I suspect the antenna is likely the T308S flex shown in step 17 or perhaps integrated into the case using the screw contacts. It would be simple to verify by Ohm'ing out the antenna pins from the AS3922 and the headers from the T308S flex.

    Richard Grundy -

    re: 4355 Z3X2 - design team name for case.

    4355 - weight is 4.55 oz

    Z3X2 - is a little more interesting, Z3X is an unlocking tool for SAMSUNG phones, and this is the first phone with no SAMSUNG chips in it i.e. Apple is unlocked from Sammy!

    Jay - 回复

    Are the plastics bands removable? Do antennas run under them to the outside?

    John - 回复

    The antennas are actually metal side bands, the plastic bands are there just to separate the antennas and the main case.

    Tom Chai -

    Where is the barometer?

    r0534322 - 回复

    I think you should also give credit to the unsung hero.....the screw manufacturer! SFS Group in Switzerland derive more than 10% of their total revenue from Apple and provided around 80 parts in each iPhone 5/5S! Were there more or less screws in the 6?

    Adrian M - 回复

    Can anyone tell me where exactly the NFC antenna location is? Tiny in size?

    Andy Yong - 回复

    My video has only static. I think the rear-facing microphone is bad. I think it is right next to the rear-facing flash. How does one replace that microphone?

    mdavisak - 回复

    i hear a metalic noise when i shake my iphone 6, like a screw that is not fast anymore. recommendations? do I have to unmount everything?

    serena184 - 回复


en zh


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Did you take square on high res internal images like you did for the iPhone 5? I love having them as my wallpaper backgrounds. Thanks!

Jamie - 回复

who makes the screen and the driver chip?

adam - 回复

On step 8 you show the home button to have a cable that seems like it connects to the main board .... is this something to take note of when opening it from that bottom edge? Home button in the past contacted to main board with copper springs and not an actual connector

please confirm

Ken - 回复

OK, so Cirrus makes the audio codec. What about the other audio chips? Noise cancellation, audio amp, mic preamp?

Miles - 回复

Anybody know where the Liquid Contact Indicators (LCI's) are located? I didn't see one inside the SIM card reader as it was on the iPhone 5, 5S.

Abel Pajas - 回复

I'm intrigued by the battery improvement and the "identity crisis" with the labelling.

Any chance you could chop one in half to find out if apple is making their own '3D electrode type' batteries using components from multiple countries?

Sebastian - 回复

What is the chip iniside Murata WiFi/BT module?

JJ Wu - 回复


I have checked at the MURATA specs it seems they have Broadcom. May be Apple used them as third party for cost effective customer support. This is WLAN and Bluetooth chipset.




Bharat Penumutchu -

It is hard to rework a BGA chip, but it will be interesting to see if we can upgrade the memory to 2GB.

ogim - 回复

Is it possible to change the camera lens. I think it will gonna break very easy.

Steffen - 回复

I disassembled my iphone, and can not understand where this item came from? Any ideas?


Kolius - 回复

NFC antenna is on the top of phone ,it is just 10MM2.no ferrite attached and just a FPC .

Joe - 回复

Nice, but would be nice to have the antennas torn down also.

Bryce Nesbitt - 回复

A low cost Iphone case is available in Amazon. I have been using it for 2years. It is perfectly fit for Iphone 6 plus cover and easy access of all the phone device. This ultra thin flip case specially designed for Apple Iphone 6plus.


bubun123 - 回复

Can you make a list of all materials and show if you can put it back together

Aditya Khowal - 回复

Ou ce trouve le gps

alexandre - 回复

What cools the processor if anything does it have a cooling system

Eli calvillo - 回复

что такое ма/ч и вт/ч? эта статья промтом переводилась?

tucherone - 回复

The sim is inside but the phone keeps saying no service. I was told it was the antenna. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Sara Reyes - 回复

Can you put the guts of and an iPhone 6 into a 6 plus? Or vice versa?

Chris Bubba - 回复

I have been successful, so yes. vica n versa.


Mick -

After getting opened the iPhone I noticed that on the side edges of the body is a sticky black rubber, so I ask you, you must also replace this sticker?

valerio - 回复

nice teardown... but it would had been nice to know where each screw goes... i had teardown an iphone 6 to change the frame and now all my swcrew are everywhere... was hoping to found where they goes here and boom, nope, a joking teardown... nice

Benjamin Valcourt - 回复

We have a complete set of guides for you right here, including screw locations. Teardowns are just meant to be a fun peek at the hardware and overall repairability, and should not be used as guides. For keeping track of your screws I highly recommend a magnetic project mat—it's one of the best tools I own, and I would prefer never to open an iPhone without one.

Jeff Suovanen -

hey guys,

which component contains the LED light for the flash on the rear camera?

Scott Cornez - 回复

The power button flex has the flas on it

Zander Law -

plz can u refer how to replace ther rear mic near the camera coz i recording videos without sound! tnx

Mohammad Me - 回复

We have a guide for that! The microphone next to the rear facing camera is part of the iPhone 6 Power Button Cable Assembly that you can purchase here. The guide to replace it can be found here. Good luck!

Scott Havard -

Would be nice if you included a photo of the main board with the antenna removed. There is a matching network under the antenna flex cable on the back of the board. If I had an image I could tell if one of the matching components had fallen off of my phone.

gac - 回复

хуй пизда залупа пенис хер

а так спасибо большое за этот гаид

vasyarus - 回复

вот она - русская культура во всей своей красе. вот без тупости и убогости ну ни как обойтись нельзя было. молодец, гордись собой..

SvS -

а можно ли в заблокироаный айфон 6+ поставить микросхему от айфон 6 рабочий разблокированный ? ну или хотябы основную начинку. конечно есть вопрос как это будет выглядеть на экране разрешение ведь разное . или может по от 6 не сможет использовать тачскрин прошивку и тд. и тп. кто пробовал? подскажите.

Olzhas Bekzhanov - 回复

поставить можно но работать не будет)

Андрей Pancir -

What an awesome post! Funny and informative. Well done!

David Kellen - 回复

Useless guide, he skipped the step I needed help on.

iffbas - 回复

Hi iffbas! This is a teardown not a repair guide, for a full set of step-by-step guides, consult our iPhone 6 manual!

Sam Goldheart -

where is the 00095-A piece?

alex roland - 回复

Can you make a list of all materials and show if you can put it back together

王子良 - 回复

Where is the magnetometer located?

Chondita Dayton - 回复

Right under the battery connector there is what I think to be an antenna can some one tell me what it is

y fr - 回复

Seriously… less jokes and more details. What sizes were the Phillips screws? It seems like some were 000 and some were 00. Some were longer than others. It would be nice if we knew where they went.

izraul hidashi - 回复

As stated in the banner at the top, this isn’t a guide—but if it’s instructions you need, we have those over here. Phillips driver sizes are not standardized, and vary from one tool manufacturer to the next, so you’ll just have to test carefully and use whichever one fits best. Using iFixit drivers, I usually prefer a PH00 for iPhone screws, but a PH000 works for virtually all of them as well.

Jeff Suovanen -

what is this thing? whatever it is, it was ripped whenever it came with my phone

Brody Dyer - 回复

I have a question I didn’t use a magnetic board because I didn’t have one at the time and my screws got disorganized. How can I figure out which one is supposed to go where

Caleb Dueck - 回复



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