
iPhone 4S后面板更换


  1. iPhone 4S后面板更换, 后面板: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 开始拆卸前,请将 iPhone 的电池放电到25%以下。充满的锂离子电池在不小心被刺穿的情况下可能会着火和/或爆炸。

    • 拆机前,请先关机。

    • 拆卸掉两颗3.6mm 五角 P2防撬螺丝。

    • 5号螺丝刀只能用一次,不用上太紧,以免滑丝。

  2. iPhone 4S后面板更换: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 4S后面板更换: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 从下往上推开后盖。

    • 大概推出2mm的间隙。

  3. iPhone 4S后面板更换: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 向下轻拉后盖,小心不要将塑料卡扣损坏。

    • 取下后盖





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If you have trouble removing the back after sliding it, do not force or pry it. You didn't push it far enough. Gently push it further and it will come off easily!

Stephen Foskett - 回复

On the iPhone 4S Mirrored Rear Panel there was a clear plastic covering on the INSIDE side of the Panel that covers a jagged black area. There is also a small plastic covering over the camera lens, also on the inside side of the Panel. The iFixIt step-by-step instructions do not include any information about whether to remove these or leave them. I chose to peel them off and it appears everything works okay. But there probably should have been a mention about what to do with these "stickers."

jlinder1 - 回复

Thanks! I didn't notice the scuff covers until we noticed the poor quality of the photos. After I took the back off and removed the film covers, the photos are back to the original quality. Thanks again for your comment. The covers should have an obvious tab on them for easy removal

David Bergum -


li ma - 回复

there are many kinds of iphone 4s rear panel from this site:


li ma - 回复



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