本指南将向您展示如何更换 PS4 内的散热硅脂。现在您可能想知道散热硅脂是什么。导热膏是一种银色膏状物,可用于将处理器的热量传递到散热器中。因为散热硅脂会逐渐变干,您可能会希望每隔几年左右就更换所有电子产品的散热硅脂。散热硅脂就在散热器的正下方,而散热器是所有灰尘堆积的地方。如果您清洁散热器并更换散热硅脂,您的 PS4 终将像全新的一样。我的 PS4 大约六岁了,在完成整个过程之后,它不再过热并且像个鼠标一样安静。此任务所需的唯一技能是您必须能够拧松和拧紧螺丝。这是一个非常简单的过程,但可能会比较乏味,所以如果你打算这样做,请选择一个你有空的日子。
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Se me hizo muy buena la guia, sobre todo para no cometer algun error al trabajar en la reparacion, mi PS4 dejo de zumbar el abanico con el cambio de pasta termica y una limpieza general de polvo y pelusa.
I followed this guide step by step, including reversing the order to reassemble my unit.
My PS4 is still loud but not as loud as before, so everything worked well. Thanks for the writeup!
i might be a little late to reply, but i followed this guide aswell BUT after step 31 i took off the extra metal/aluminum plating and saw thats that where the bulk of the dust will be built up, this plate has the vents that go to the cooling fan on the opposite side of it after unscrewing. i bought an original ps4, it sounded like a jet engine taking off. The vents on my ps4 were just about covered in dust almost no airflow was able to get through, after taking the extra step and taking off the 1 extra panel (the one under the motherboard in step 31) and of course after replacing the thermal paste made my ps4 run and sound like new again,
Beau -
I cannot reply to Beau's comment.
I also went the extra step of taking that metal shroud that sits below the motherboard (step 31).
I completely recommend this step. It is then you can get access to the heat sink fins to remove dust. There are 3 screws that hold this metal shroud in place. Easy to get out.
Then you can also now remove the fan - 2 screws for this.
You can then clean out the accumulated dust from the fan and in the plastic shroud, that the fan sits in.
Holy cow, dust factory. :)
Great guide! Just did it and now the console is dead silent during gameplay of super demanding games <3 I just went a step further after Step 31 and removed the plate there so that I could properly take care of the heat sink underneath that had lots of dust on it.