
MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换


  1. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换, 后盖: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 将固定 MacBook Pro 后盖的 P5 五角螺丝拆掉:

    • 8颗 3.0mm 螺丝

    • 2颗 2.3mm 螺丝

  2. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 从后盖盖和主机壳夹扣处抬起,从 MacBook Pro上取下后盖。

    • 将取下的后盖放到一边。

  3. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换, 电池连接器: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 揭开盖住电池接口的警告标签。

  4. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒平头的那端,轻轻地将电池接口直接从逻辑板上的插座中撬出。

    • 弯曲电池电缆,确保电池接口不会意外接触逻辑板。

  5. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换, 散热器: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换, 散热器: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换, 散热器: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 把撬棒扁平的那一端插入右侧风扇的橡胶散热盖下方。

    • 在橡胶盖下方滑动来分离粘合剂。

    • 提起橡胶盖并把它从散热器上揭开。

  6. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 采用与上一步骤相同的方式,分离粘合剂并翻开左侧风扇的散热盖。

  7. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 卸下将散热器固定到主板上的六颗螺丝:

    • 一颗 5.5 毫米银色凸头 T5 梅花头螺钉

    • 四颗 3.5 毫米 T5 梅花头螺丝

    • 如果您的机型使用独立显卡,可能需要卸下更多螺丝。

    • 一颗 3.8 毫米银色 T5 六角螺丝

  8. MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Pro 15" 2013年末(Retina显示器)散热器更换: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 从一侧抓住散热片,将散热片从 MacBook Pro 上抬起,使其脱离电脑。

    • 散热膏可能会使散热器难以取下。小心但用力地将散热片拉出,以免损坏主板上的任何元件。

    • 安装新散热器时,不要忘记更换散热器下方的导热膏。有关进一步说明,请参阅我们的导热膏应用指南





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Performed today on 3 yrs old Retina 15" with integrated Iris Pro 5200. Temperatures dropped considerably, both during idle and load periods, but BE AWARE, if you pass control to the fans via i.e.: smsFanControl, during testing laptop reaches abnoxious temperatures (98C) - what it seems is that when smcFanControl is taking over, also throttling is turned off, therefore, when temperature rised you need to rise fan rpm (during Geekbench 3 I set it at the end to the 3800rpm from 2500rpm it was and this dropped immediately from 98C to 70C). When SmcFanControl is set to Default, MAC UEFI controls fans and - what is funny - when load exceeded reasonable thresholds, (one core reached 92C) it throttled (probably) because without much rpm raise - this dropped temps to 75C (Default setting did at critical point two things: a) from 2160 rpm to 2890rpm and b) throttle ... what ended in immediate drop to 75C). Keep that in mind.

In this aspect I consider this as a smarter management.

Michal Wiktorow - 回复

One of the screw thread used to tighten the spring-clamp holding the cpu in place has detached from the motherboard. Is it possible to repair this, and if not, is it fine to hold the cpu with only one spring clamp ? Thanks a lot !

Mathieu Polge - 回复

Hopefully you are still around the forums these days.

You usually can fix something like that if it was soldered to the board, with simple solder and something to hold it in place. However if it was riveted to the board you may have another problem, of which I do not know how to solve. You happen to have a picture?

Quinn Dunham -

The image in Step 7, and the offered replacement part are wrong! In all images except step 7 you are showing the correct hardware, whitha heat pipe including cpu and discrete graphics plates. But in step 7, and in the replacement part offering you show a heat pipe containing only one plate! Please correct this? Where do I get a replacement heat pipe for my macbook containing adiscrete graphics chip? Thank you very much!

Alexander Schukat - 回复

I want to know this as well. That said, I don’t really see the need to replace the heat sink. What’s the problem is that the thermal paste has dried up and no longer conducts as it used to. So simply removing the old heat sink, scraping off the paste and re-applying new paste should do the job just fine. I don’t see in what way the heatsink itself should go ‘bad’.

mv-maynotberead -



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