


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Google Pixel 4 XL,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解, Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解, Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解, Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 像素只是帮助形成图片的光点。但是这个特殊 Pixel 手机有很多超棒的功能组成。让我们先列出参数吧:

    • 6.3" OLED 显示屏,分辨率 QHD+ 3040 x 1440 (537 ppi)配备可变刷新率最高至 90 Hz

    • 八核 64-bit 高通骁龙 855 处理器,配备 6 GB LPDDR4x RAM

    • 后置双摄像头,一个是 12.2 MP ƒ/1.7 广角模块和一个 16 MP ƒ/2.4 长焦模块

    • 64 GB 板载储存(128 GB 可选)

    • IP 68 防尘防水

    • Android 10 移动操作系统

    • Google,我们会看到你的雷达并喂你一些 X 射线。我们在 Creative Electron 的尊贵同事提供了这台 Pixel 内部结构的预览照片——看上去与 Pixel 2 和 3 完全不同。

  2. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 把我们的如此橘 Pixel 4 XL 放在去年的显然白3 XL 旁边,注意以下几点:

    • 明显的变化包括减少了一个前置扬声器格栅,去年的指纹传感器也消失了。新的扬声器仍然可以算做立体声,但是(和 iPhone 一样)底部的扬声器会向下发出声音而不是面对着你。

    • SIM 卡托也被打包搬走,可能是为了上述扬声器的放置。

    • Pixel 3 的刘海变成了一个完整的边框!当所有人都在努力的消灭刘海时,Google 的方法看起来有点开倒车。

    • 至少他们好好利用了这一部分空间:里面装满了红外面部识别硬件,前置广角摄像头和很酷的新型雷达装备。

    • 要是你想看到更多苹果(Apple)和橘子(Orange)的对比,点这里

  3. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 如果给这台手机写维修指南,我们第一步一定会是 "给橘色的这一面加热。" 所以,我们确实这么做了。

    • 背板下面的黏胶感人的很薄但是非常牢固。在这一点上,可比去年那个厚重粘稠的胶水要好对付多了。

    • 没有指纹传感器的背板本来让我们期待一个没有任何线缆陷阱的背板——但是,啊……一个新的更短 的线缆连接到了后摄像头凸起里:闪光灯,麦克风,以及光谱/闪烁传感器

    • 幸运的是,无线充电线圈和NFC线圈,通过贴纸黏贴在背板上,使用了方便维修的弹性连接。

    • 不幸的是那就意味着背板的黏合物必须 很牢固。你可不会希望充电电路变得松动起来。

  4. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    Manta Driver Kit - 112 Bit Driver Kit
    • 我们可能用不着全部112“比特”来分解这个“像素”,但是我们非常乐意为此拿出我们的Manta 螺丝刀套装 ! 我们捞出了六角星3型开始拧掉螺丝。

    • 一般来说,我们很喜爱这种易拉胶,他们可比乱涂的胶布胶水要维修友好得多。但是你需要用一个较浅的角度来拉扯,避免把它们弄断。像 3 XL 一样,你可能需要移除母板来获得足够的清理空间,那就需要额外的步骤。

    • 靠着经验的帮助,我们用异丙醇和温柔的试探小心的移除了电池。

    • 在这之下,一个微小但威力巨大的地雷正等着维修者:一条精致的“侧边握压”连接线,正期待着你在拆卸电池的时候将其切断。

    • 电池本体拥有 14.24 Wh (3700 mAh 电压 3.85 V)。比去年的 13.2 Wh有所提高,并且略低于 iPhone 11 Pro Max 的15.04 Wh和三星 Galaxy Note10+ 的16.56 Wh

    Hello, I was just wondering if you had any data on the volume/dimensions of the battery? I am doing a research project about power storage in modern phones. Thank you.

    Alex H - 回复

  5. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们向母板进军的过程中处理了不少支架和护盾,但是为了这些芯片,值了:

    • 6 GB 美光 LPDDR4X RAM 封装在高通骁龙 855 上

    • SK海力士 H28U72301CMR 64 GB 闪存

    • 三星 K4U4E3S4AF-HGCJ 迷之 RAM,上面写着一个大大的P——大约是专门为全新的Pixel 神经网络核心芯片服务的,而这个芯片很可能就藏在这个RAM下面

    • Pixel H1C2M3 Titan M 安全芯片

    • 楼氏电子 8508A 4核音频处理器,毫无疑问是用来帮助实现实时字幕翻译功能

    • 村田制作所 SS9709025

    • 安华高 AFEM-9106 (很可能是前端模块)

    If I were to make an educated guess, I would say that the mystery RAM is 4 Gb (0.5 GB) of LPDDR4x RAM :)

    Arthur Shi - 回复

  6. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • B面包含:

    • 思佳讯 Sky5-8212-11 前端模块

    • 高通 QET5100 envelope tracker

    • 高通 PM8150 和 PM8150A 电源管理芯片

    • 意法半导体 ST54J NFC 控制器

    • 美信 MAX77826 辅助电源管理芯片

    • XSPT6 SMC85201 Z

    • 35L36CWZ BOCW1909

    Thanks! We will update the chip ID with this.

    Arthur Shi -

    Why is there a front end module for 5G if 5G is not being used in this phone…?

    Sam Black - 回复

    Sorry! The module is actually more general-purpose than stated. I’ll adjust the text.

    Arthur Shi -

    May I ask about the battery base?What does the circular base underneath the battery base represent? What function does it correspond to?

    eihei - 回复

  7. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 拆解更新:我们移除了神秘的三星RAM,在下面找到了一个新的集成电路。这个可能 是Google的定制芯片,但是上面的标记我们并不熟悉。

    • 我们会追查它的产地,同时,如果你对它了解得比我们多,请给我们留言。

    • 芯片封装上标记为:

    • S4LV001A01 NGWF6YY5 1930

  8. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 现在取出连接在一起的双后置镜头。他们的连接线上体贴的标记着“广角”和“长焦”。谢谢啊谷歌大兄弟。

    • 1600万像素长焦传感器听起来似乎比1220万像素的广角传感器要更厉害一些。但是广角传感器拥有的大光圈和1.4微米像素尺寸,会让它获得更好的图片质量。

    • 接下来:前置传感器,包括800万像素前置摄像头,和Face ID人脸解锁硬件. (环境光传感器现在已经堆叠到屏幕后方。)

    • 生物识别硬件包括两个分离得很远的近红外摄像头,一个近红外泛光发射器,和一个近红外点阵投射器。

    • 但是 Soli 雷达芯片在哪里?好吧Google,你们把它藏哪儿了?

  9. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 接着我们取出这一大块……东西,里面有耳机扬声器,麦克风,环境光传感器,以及 Soli 芯片,利用雷达的力量来理解你的手势。

    • Google 将这个内部计划称之为 Project Soli Motion Sense

    • 尽管雷达技术已经被使用了很长时间,而且理论上也很简单明了,但是对于Google如何把整个系统放进这么一个没有任何运动部件也缺乏细节的小方块里的这件事,我们也是哑口无言。

    • Motion Sense 通过射出特定波段的电磁波来运作。当这些电磁波弹射到物体(比如你的手)上时,一些会反射回天线上。

    • Soli 芯片这时会计算反射波以及它们的延迟,频率偏移,以及其他参数,来获取反射物的特性——有多大,移动得多快,往哪个方向等等。

    • 然后 Soli 芯片会将数据与已有的手势数据库比对,从而决定操作系统需要做什么回应。

    • 太长不看版:这个魔法小方块知道你所有的行动。

    If you want to learn more about the radar chip used, have a look here at the documentation of the actual manufacturer: https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/...

    Matt Heger - 回复

    Here is another small package radar on a chip. Complete baseband, RF front end and antenna on a chip. https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/e...

    Jeremy Mikesell - 回复

  10. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • Google 赐予这台 Pixel 一个超级顺滑 (有时候) 的 90 Hz 屏幕——即使在现在的顶级旗舰机里也不常见。

    • Google 同样要确保没有人 能够无损拆卸这块屏幕。牢固的边缘胶 + 几乎没有边框的屏幕 + 巨大不干胶铜箔 = 屏幕并不想完整的离开手机。

    • 理论上没人需要无损拆卸一块屏幕——只有破损的屏幕才需要被拆除。但是这个设计导致家常便饭的换屏维修变得一点也不好玩。

    • 至少在本案例里,结果还是很有趣:这个屏幕由三星制造!这有一点意外,因为三星在他们自己的手机上 都没有使用过 90 Hz 刷新率的屏幕。

    • 在面板上我们还发现了意料之外的,意法半导体生产的芯片,可能是触控芯片。

    Do you have the chip number for the ST one

    Daniel Milburn - 回复

    It’s FJABH 07D924 83C0K. You can double check here.

    Arthur Shi -

    Is the display optically bonded like the ones in iPhones?

    gurupanguji - 回复

    Yes. The OLED panel is bonded to the glass. You won’t be able to replace the front glass only without specialty tools…especially because this is an OLED and not an LCD.

    Arthur Shi -

    If anyone is here looking for tips on replacing the screen I just did my first P4XL.

    The front glass glue is not as strong as I was expecting but they are not kidding when they say you won't be able to get it in one piece.

    You can do this repair without removing the motherboard, but it does need to be loosened enough to move up a little to allow the board to move up. This basically means taking out the retaining screws and ribbon cables and nudging the board up over so slightly to slide the new connector in.

    Jonathan Bush - 回复

  11. Google Pixel 4 XL 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • 虽然它的结构导致其依然是令人 (失望的) 熟悉的维修方法,我们确实在这个小南瓜里找到了不少糖果:

    • Motion Sense 功能的 Soli 芯片,安装在手机顶部听筒旁边,并且相对它的功能来说,其体积极为小巧。

    • 我们猜测三星RAM下面最可能的就是 Pixel 神经网络核心,这意味着它会做很多繁重的工作。

    • 我们还找到了新的楼氏电子的音频处理芯片,这很可能与新的语音识别功能相关。

    • 三星制造了这块 90 Hz 刷新率的屏幕——在这个功能上 Pixel 向 Galaxy 挥出了一记重拳。

    • 但是回到那个熟悉的感觉上——这个手机可以打多少分?

    What do you call that orange ribbon like mechanism in the middle? I accidentally ripped it when i changed the battery. I need to replace it tho. Thank you

    Ed Visperas - 回复

  12. 最后的想法
    • 所有螺丝都是标准的T3六角星螺丝头。
    • 易拉胶粘黏的电池也许不是防呆的,但是使它更容易维修。
    • 机身防水使得维修复杂了许多,但是希望这功能能让需要维修的可能性变小。
    • 屏幕维修非常困难,需要完全拆开整个手机。
    • 所有维修都需要通过那个顽固黏结住的背板来完成。
    • 前后玻璃的设计提供了双倍的摔碎可能。


en zh


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Any indication of why WiFi 6 is not supported despite being supported by the CPU? Is it missing a chipsets or antenna configuration that other WiFi 6 compatible phones have (that use the same Snapdragon 855 processor)?

Mikecant - 回复

The Murata WIFI chip in Step 5 does not support WIFI 6.

Dinan Blueje -

Ugly, not repairable, 2016-like specifications on a 2019 smartphone? Will NEVER buy for $1000

How does the FCC even allow this?

Dinan Blueje - 回复

Lol - chill out buddy. And why would the FCC have anything to do with allowing a product to be released / priced / etc.? Unless you’re referring to the use of the Soli radar bands…

Matt J -

Remember all those phones from 2016 with 90 Hz refresh rates, radar, face unlock, e-sim.

Jon Xuereb -

So does the Pixel Neural Core chip, in fact, lie directly below the Samsung K4U4E3S4AF-HGCJ mystery RAM in a POP config?

Chris Villareale - 回复

If it is indeed the Neural Core, then yes! It would be a POP config.

Arthur Shi -

Two and a half years after the pixel 1 release, you made a wallpaper of the guts… any chance we'll get the pixel 4 and pixel 4 xl guts wallpaper before 2021?

mark - 回复

Can you say which GPS chip was installed?

Sascha Hochstuhl - 回复

You didn’t hit the “hyperspectral sensor” that’s glued to the top of the camera bump!

There’s been almost no detail revealed about that feature, save for passing keynote comments. Ya’ll still have a chance to update this teardown with a breaking analysis of what that might actually mean. (Nevertheless, solid post. Thanks!)

Dave - 回复

Here is a shot of the sensor. It is tiny (half the size of a grain of rice)! It looks like there is an imaging sensor covered by a grid of tuned filters. It’s able to detect specific frequency light through those filters.

While there are many uses for spectral imaging, Google introduced this tech in the Pixel 3 as a means to detect TV/monitor screen flicker so that when you record video, it can adjust to reduce flicker/banding. I think it’s still used for that purpose in the Pixel 4 XL.

Arthur Shi -

Was going to consider upgrading to Pixel 4 from my Galaxy S5, but answer is a definite no. Lack of RAM. 6 GB is no better than my S5 from 5 years ago. Lack of a reasonable battery replacement. Incredibly small battery for 2019. Again, my S5 battery is larger, plus it can be replaced by me in 2 minutes. No headphone jack. No 4K / 60 frame video. Although I can live without this. No Wi-Fi 6. No 5G. Looks like I will be keeping my Galaxy S5 for another year or so. Sorry Google. You just don’t get it.

catzwisker - 回复

Dude your S5 is way way way wayyyyyy too old to even compare to a Pixel 2 XL, not to mention the Pixel 4 XL. I guess you haven’t tried the new gen phones. You should try them and think again.

Ivo Ruest -

Umm, the Galaxy S5 only has 2 GB of RAM and it’s a slower LPDDR3, with a battery that’s only 10.78 Wh (2800 mAH) (Samsung Galaxy S5 Teardown ). It’s time to upgrade! Toss the S5 to Verizon as $450 in trade-in towards the Pixel 4 XL and you’ll be a happy camper.

CallMeIvan -

Trying to make sure my magnetic mount ring doesn’t obstruct the wireless charging coil.. how off center of the case is the coil’s center? Thanks

Peter Lau - 回复

Here is a shot of the glass back. The intersection of the blue lines marks the back’s center, which is slightly above the charging coil’s center.

Arthur Shi -

Thanks, that helps! I think I got it.

I realize a ruler laid along the length/height and width of the phone would be a helpful photo too. But this has been a big help.

Peter Lau -

I got a question! Isn’t it bad for the RAM to be layered over the SoC? I mean, all the heat the SoC produces will first spread to the RAM then it will be dissipated. It feels somewhat weird, altough it works (OEMs has been doing this as far as I can remember)

Renan Lazarotto - 回复

The radar almost certainly is not entirely contained in the pictured assembly. It shows a PCB antenna and some passive components - resistors, capacitors and inductors - but no active components, unless there is a die embedded in the PCB, which I doubt. There is probably an ASIC somewhere else in the phone that is energizing the PCB antenna and processing the received signals. I’d follow the flex traces back from the antenna and passives to see what active device is energizing them.

Max Kingsbury - 回复

Check the comments on that step. There a multiple companies making single chip radar solutions.

Jeremy Mikesell -

Definitely not worth it for the price. I’d rather buy a 11 Pro for a higher price. Google isn’t made for making for phones, this isn’t their area of expertise. This is why I think that this phone isn’t such a huge tech bump, unlike the 11 Pro, which was a giant leap for iPhone. Other than the 90Hz screen at higher resolution and the extra RAM, it is nothing comparable to 11 Pro. I used to hold high expectations for the Pixel series, this phone disappointed me.

KillerLab 233 - 回复

Yeah Google here with their neural core, audio processing and a bunch of other chips that no other manufacture have and yet it's still not worth it because on paper the specs doesn't look the best. You should try using it before you have a negative opinion.

edisonchoa -

could you remove the display without breaking it?

Sehoon Yoon - 回复

It is theoretically possible, but highly difficult due to the large amount of strong adhesives coupled with a fragile unreinforced OLED panel.

Arthur Shi -

do you know where is the esim chip ?

leesonwu - 回复

Anywhere know where the dual-frequency BCM47755 GNSS receiver is located?

Dominic - 回复

I have found a 4220mah battery for the xl, has anyone ever tried this upgrade?

Joey De La Rosa - 回复

do you know if there’s a DisplayPort over type-c chip on it?

Zhuijun Bao - 回复

Will this ram chip fit over the SoC and work.

MT53B512M32D2DS-062 AIT


Brandon Wilkerson - 回复

My Pixel 1 (silver) was the most beautiful pixel ever produced. it was beautifully designed device in every aspect, internal and specially external,

somehow with every new pixel its getting more and more ugly. Not to mention bigger, for god sake bigger does not mean more customers ! please stop this non-sense of phones the size of my laptop!

ibrahimyounes - 回复

Fellow phone technician here. i want everyone to know to not use a hotplate and very low heat to remove the back glass for repairs. the microphones and speaker circuits are very delicate to heat and static (found this out from an oem service provider after the screen repair). Im just not wanting my pricey mistake to repeat itself onto other technicians

Trey Woltje - 回复

can someone point out the GPS on this for me please?

albert einstein - 回复

Or if there are any antenna cables connected to it?

albert einstein -

any idea ware is the display IC

chock Chack - 回复

Awesome breakdown and detailed information! I have a coral with a broken screen and came across you guys and after reading this I may attempt to replace the screen. I'll probably wait I believe screens are still pretty steep. Mine took a pretty hard hit right at the top just below speaker /reliever so petty sure digitizer and screen will need replacement. It also encountered the famous pixel 4xl “battery no charge " issue after it was dropped and screen broken so now it lives in a drawer.. yay! ;P

Appreciate you guys site and all the great information and detailed breakdown of various devices. ?


Daniel S - 回复

The antenna array assembly is not shown here (it should be that little long circuit right against the screen on the bottom part hold with two side screws. Apparently it’s one of the first things to go if any moisture get in from the lower part.

Ивайло Минков - 回复

My screen only displays about half a cm at the top of the phone. I have another phone for spares and have switched bits around and still have the same problem. Any ideas?

Luke - 回复

Where is the wifi antenna connection or is it built in?

john - 回复

Any idea what ic chips are related to front camera and ir

Saifullah Kamran - 回复



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