这块闪亮的新Apple Watch有什么内涵呢
第二代OLEDForce Touch视网膜屏幕
可选配LTE和UMTS功能,内建GPS/GLONASS、NFC、2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n WiFi及蓝牙4.2
Watch OS 4
抛开那个红点,我觉得我们正在拆解Watch Series 2,这俩简直一模一样
整体而言,这块屏幕和Series 2并没有太大差别,但有一点不同,那就是多了个多频天线(为了LTE?)
亚德诺半导体(Analog Devices)343S00092 触摸控制芯片
恩智浦半导体(NXP)80V18 NFC模块
空焊区域(曾经的20211CP TD1628A芯片?)
…and? are the series 2 and 3 displays compatible?
虽然iPhone的电池容量在缩小,但Apple Watch的电池容量却吸引了我们的注意
Series 3的电池型号是A1848,封装1.07Wh能量(3.82V 279mAh)
on the side opposite the crown on the taptic engine is a convoluted maze of connected ribbon cables that is actually soldered to the taptic engine - right under the ribbon cable underneath what looks to be BGA chip (black, square - similar in size to a tristar chip) and trying to lift this ribbon cable to remove the taptic engine in the order this teardown indicates will result in torn pads - either a max total of 4 or in my case, i only tore 2. this teardown shown here resulted in 4 torn pads, which you can see in step 10 first photo. the photo shows the cable flipped back over and you can clearly see the torn pad area. and by also folding the ribbon cable back, it can also tear away at the underlying solder connecting the ribbon cable to the motherboard. atm, it appears to me that to properly remove the taptic, it needs to stay where it is and remove the whole motherboard including the taptic engine. so to replace just the taptic engine - would involve a large amount of risk and work.
It would’ve been really nice if ifixit called this out. I didn’t see your comment until after I removed that ribbon cable. At first it looks like it’s some kind of adhesive, but I suppose it is actually soldered? Anyway, time for me to buy a new watch. Thanks ifixit!
Insu -
有了series 2的对比,我们得到了些有用的新东西—全新的RF射频芯片,这应该是用来处理LTE功能的
意法半导体(ST Microelectronics)ST33G1M232位单片机,配备ARM SecurCore SC300微处理器
FY LEE C7P 博世(Bosch)陀螺仪+加速度计
Hi iFixit,
is it possible to see what’s inside the Apple S6 module ? I suspect LTE modem and others are inside ?? Thanks
Bagan Tech - 回复
Hate to do this but someone else removed the cap to show the components hiding underneath , heres the link http://techinsights.com/about-techinsigh...
Don’t worry ifixit, you are still the first place I go to for teardowns, but its always good to look around for more info.
aaronzvz -
@aaronzzz We’re fans of TechInsights and have worked with them a time or two on collaborative teardowns. So, no hard feelings! They do fantastic work. Thanks for the link!
After a comparison of X-Ray picture above with the teardown, we came to believe that there are at least 3-4 chips missing on the teardown, and they’re most likely located under the “S3” marked radiator sink, glued to it from the other side. These chips likely include the Apple CPU itself, the modem and possibly the RF.
the non-cellular variant is still that composite back, while the higher end versions have always been ceramic. Sapphire or Ion-X is only the front display cover.
The watch back is ceramic on the GPS + Cellular Series 3, but it’s composite on the GPS-only model. Previous watches have had a composite or ceramic back, never sapphire or Ion-X. Source: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204507
hey do any one know why i cant pop out the ppg sensor out. i think it has something to do with this metal ring around it, but i can not figure out how to get it off.
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What’s the purpose of the air vent that began with Series 2? It’s clearly not for barometric readings since Series 2 lacked a barometric altimeter.
Not sure of I didn't See a barometer at the Apple Watch
eisblock -
does apple tv 4k teardown coming soon? i am curious about power supply voltage and ampere. nice btw.
Can a series 2 be used with a iPhone 8 plus or X
Could you show the detail of “Screen as LTE antenna” that introduced during the Apple Event on 12 Sept.?
Apple was “economical” with the truth. The antenna is glued to the back of the screen and made by a different process.
Wow that taptic engine is taking up at least 30% of space.
Is the battery capacity the same in the larger 42mm version?
BilMcKelvy - 回复
whats the GPS module used in this watch
Are the series 2 and 3 screens changeable
bnharris92 - 回复
Same question about interchangeable screens. I need a replacement, but 38mm Series 3 screens are hard to come by.
We’re do I get a new screen
Felix Juan - 回复
Where can I found Apple Watch 3 screen?? I need a replacement.
gabbo_-_95 - 回复
Although board level repairs aren’t viable, is it possible to replace the board of an apple watch? When putting the watch back together, did it still seem waterproof?
Logan Jung - 回复
What is the design name of the self-emptying speaker?
Where is the LTE-Antenna? Respectively the ground plane for the antenna?
I need to replace the back housing/battery cover. Mine is shattered after running it over with my truck!!! The screen didn’t even crack! Just the back button/glass. Can I order that part here?
Can you purchase a new speaker. The current speaker I have no longer works
For the life of me, I cannot find the zif connector latch on my Apple series 3 display. I can pull the cables out and slide them back in, but there is no latch or any other pivoting mechanism that I can find. I completely boogered up my old display zif connectors trying to find a swinging latch. Every YouTube video mentions them and shows how to open them but not in enough detail to actually enable you to see what is happening. My new display does not work, so I can only assume that either the latch is not closed on the new display or was not opened when I inserted the cables.
Where is the WiFi / Bluetooth antenna?
brutoboy63 - 回复
wo bekomme ich den die winzige Y000 Tri-Point Schraube für meine iWatch3 her….???
Meine hat sich im wahrsten Sinne aus dem Staub gemacht und sie wieder zu finden ist ja fast aussichtslos….
LG Andreas
The digital crown can be removed. I’ve done it. Takes a lot of patience and a little heat.
My Series 3 displayed popped off (swollen battery maybe) and the side with display cables are as seen here, but the top part of the display is anchored by another a cable or something. Can’t lift it away enough to see and don’t want to force it.
Display is totally intact and working, no scratches or cracks. Just the touchscreen is wacked out since it popped off.
Where can I get the speaker for this watch?
Is the display or any other part is tied to the motherboard? Can I change the motherboard with another one?
Is there a way to fix a stuck button? Otherwise my Watch series 3 works fine
So can I take a 38mm series 3 and put it in a 42mm body with a 42mm screen? I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for this info and can’t find it!