你可能知道 "右紧左松",但我们还为你总结了一些额外的技巧,帮助你完善螺丝刀技巧,避免滑丝螺丝的愤怒。
在这个步骤中使用的工具:Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits$39.95
不同的螺钉头需要不同类型的螺丝刀。无论是十字、日本工业标准 (JIS)、Pozidrive、Torx、Triwing 还是普通的平头螺丝刀,都要根据用途使用正确的螺丝刀。
使用 "足够接近 "的螺丝刀--例如用平头螺丝刀拧十字螺丝--有时会让你摆脱困境,但大多数情况下都会给你带来麻烦。
听起来你需要有很多螺丝刀?试试使用一套可互换的螺丝刀头,比如用于电子产品维修的 64刀头套件 或用于大型产品的 通用刀头套件。
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Regardless of whether you are a technician or a DIYer I strongly recommend that you buy the best quality screwdriver possible. Quality screwdrivers will last a lifetime or longer. Poor quality screwdrivers will quickly wear out making them useless and will damage the screws.
Quality brands - in no particular order and what I can recall at present - include PB Swiss, CK, Wera, and Snapon.
Excellent tutorial, Jeff! Thanks for creating this. I’m a 60 year old grandmother, and a widow…finding myself taking on repair projects these days that I never thought I’d ever be doing. But I enjoy tinkering and fixing things, or trying to make something “work better”. So it never hurts to review the basics….some of us missed some details the first time around. Thanks again :-)
I am a newbie to the ifixit community, recently changed the battery on my iPhone 6. I always appreciate the opportunity to review “basic” information on DYI skills and tools to see if I can learn new knowledge, as was the case with Jeff’s tutorial on the use of screwdrivers. :)
Gary Speer - 回复
Great! Super happy to hear that!! If ever you’d need guidance around here, have questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out using community@ifixit.com. Right on!