請依照本指南更換索尼 WH-1000XM4 無線耳機上的耳墊。
注意: 此型號的左右耳墊不同。
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This is a great guide!
it is also the solution to the ticking problem on the left ear cup!
there is a small cable linking the microphone to the headset that is beneath the earcup. it has a small holder that should prevent it from moving.
if it’s not attached properly, the noise canceling will start ticking every few seconds in a very annoying way.
removing the earcup and cleaning there is the best solution I found!
Thanks a lot for the amazing guide!!
I was having a similar issue where the right ear cup was making an annoying scratching sound. Turned out to be a hair that was stuck in and brushing against the speaker. Fixed by opening and removing with tweezers!
spencer -
Very comprehensible instructions, thank you! I have rather the problem that the original ear pads are not available anywhere and are not shipped to Germany by Sony. Does anyone have a tip on how to get the replacement pads or any idea which third-party pads can be recommendet?
Where can I buy official replacement earpads?
i also need to know that, i found some OEM on amazon, but i don't trust any of them