iMac27英寸(2010年,中期)从“Core i3”的3.2GHz(双核)到“Core i7”的2.93GHz(四核)处理器。
还添加了3TB容量的SATA驱动器和32Gb的RAM,以最大限度地在Lion 10.7下的该系统
- 更新:拆除3Tb SATA驱动器,并更换为512Gb SSD并将系统升级到Mountain Lion 10.8
- 如果您升级或更改硬盘,您将需要购买HDDFanControl软件来控制全速运行的HDD风扇。
- 2013年4月 - 1年之后:该系统绝对是很耐操的,没有崩溃,没有内核崩溃,没有死机!
- 2014年4月 - 2年之后:现在运行OS X 10.9 MaveRicks完美无问题。系统仍然很快 - 但与Sandy Bridge,Ivy Bridge和Haswell架构相比,开始显示出其较老的事实!较新的应用程序开始在各种奇奇怪怪的地方卡BUG,BeachBall现在基本不能用了。
- 2015年4月 - 3年后。优胜美地10.10.3。连续性工作,但切换不(缺乏内置蓝牙LE v4.0)。不如我的Haswell Macbook Pro或2010 Xeon 12 proc Mac Pro那么快,但仍然坚如磐石。有了这些简单的mods,我已经从这个“过时”的机器获得了多年的额外服务!
- 2016年5月 - 4年后。运行El Capitan 10.11.5。只有切换不起作用(见上文),但其他一切都是坚实的。新的记事本应用程序与Apple Mail的稳定版本(最后)一样,现在,“discoveryd”的憎恶现在已经死了,而且被试和真正的“mDNS-Responder”已经回来了,网络再次辉煌。该系统长期以来一直令人无可挑剔。
- 2016年8月 - 4年以上。现在运行Sierra 10.12 Beta 2,除了通常的测试版错误以外没有问题。
- 2017年11月 - 从升级到现在已经有5年的时间了,我仍然每天都用这个 iMac! 现在使用 APFS 运行 OWC 1TB SSD 和 High Sierra 10.13。 机器绝对完美无瑕!
- 不要在这台机器上安装Mojave或Catalina系统。它几乎无法运行,体验非常糟糕。这是DosDude1本人的原话:“Radeon HD 5xxx和6xxx系列显卡在Mojave及更高版本中没有支持,而且很可能也不会支持。”
- 2019年3月 - 我放弃了在这台2010年的27英寸iMac上使用Mojave 10.14。缓慢的GPU使它完全无法使用。我又回到了High Sierra 10.13,采用APFS文件系统、1TB内置SSD和32GB内存。这看起来是2010年27英寸iMac的最佳配置。
但是,不要在这台机器上安装Mojave或Catalina系统。它几乎无法运行,体验非常糟糕。这是DosDude1本人的原话:“Radeon HD 5xxx和6xxx系列显卡在Mojave及更高版本中没有支持,而且很可能也不会支持。”
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Ok a word of caution about doing this. I installed an i7 in my 2010 27" i3 iMac and the system works, it reports the correct stats for the i7 but the cpu fan runs at high speed from boot. Annoying! I've researched a number of forums and found no way to resolve this, I also know there are a number of people with the same problem. So either I screwed up my logic board or it just doesn't like the i7 processor. It's the correct processor that people have used the i7 870. I'm at a loss and don't want to pull it out because it just runs so much faster for video editing but using the machine as an audio workstation is now impossible because of the noise from the fan. Also be extremely careful with the LCD screen. just having your shirt brush against it leaves marks and you can't clean it. If you think gloves will solve this you are wrong. DO NOT touch the lcd and be extremely careful with the connectors. If anyone has any ideas about the fan speed fix please let me know!
Carl Geers - 回复
Also, I assume that you are using this processor?
Intel Core i7 870 2.93GHz 8MB LGA 1156 Quad Core Processor 95W
If you upgrade or change the Apple HD, you will need to buy HDDFanControl software to control the HDD fan which will run at full speed otherwise. I also use smcFanControl to monitor and control the other fans in the system.
As with any modification, your mileage may vary. This is a "Medium" difficulty mod and not recommended for novices to the hobby. I experienced none of the issues your have experienced.
I upgraded to Mountain Lion 10.8 when it was released to the Dev community with zero issues - currently at 10.8.2; I use this machine 'in anger' every day.
I did these mods 5 months ago, and this system has been absolutely ROCK SOLID with no crashes, no kernel panics and no freezes!
If you do the CPU replacement and afterwards the optical drive fan and cpu fan are running at max speed (very loud) then you more than likely didn't plug in the CPU temp sensor. The guide here doesn't talk about it so you can easily forget it! The connector is on the other side of the board, which is different from all the other temperature connectors and not on the same side as the heatsink screws either.
I did this and the computer ran with noisy fans. I used a fan control app to quiet it down, but it was still loud on startup until login. More importantly, the performance without the CPU temp sensor connected was terrible. It was slower than the original i5 CPU. HD videos would stutter and benchmarks gave very low scores.
Make sure you plug in the CPU temperature sensor after you put the heatsink on.
mikk -
download ssd fan control, this program let you adjust the fan speeds.