
将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7


  1. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7, CPU: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7, CPU: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7, CPU: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    Anti-Static Wrist Strap
    • 首先,准备好您的零件,工具,防静电腕带和手套(手套会用于拆卸玻璃和LCD)。

    • 参考iFixit 上现成的手把手操作说明,依次拆下玻璃和LCD面板。

  2. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • Core i7 2.93GHz四核处理器,北极银热复合和iFixit + OWC工具

    • 处理器是Intel Core i7 870 2.93GHz 8MB LGA 1156四核处理器95W。 我在eBay买的这个CPU.

  3. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 移除HD,光驱和主板。 按照优秀的iFixit指南来卸下这些零件。

    • 要卸下主板(有点棘手),我参照这个很好的指南 - http://www.btobey.com/learn/imac-ssd-ins ...

    • 在指南中没有提到,您必须将IR坐在苹果前面的标志背面,才能卸下主板。

  4. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 翻转主板,轻轻取下底部的4个梅花 8散热器螺丝(不是顶部的大十字螺丝)。

    • 请注意:此步骤的保修会失效。

  5. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用北极银硅脂复合去除剂及其制备方法来摆脱工厂化合物。

  6. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 再见Core i3 欢迎Core i7。

    • 注意CPU上的箭头(图片左下角)。 新CPU必须以相同的方向安装。

    • 应用北极银硅脂,手指覆盖塑料。 仅在CPU上均匀分布。 指南在这里 - 如何涂散热膏

    • 反向组装。 享受新的速度先锋!

  7. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 已经超过5年了 - 现在运行 High Sierra 10.13 - 机器仍然完美无瑕!

  8. 将iMac Intel Core i3 CPU升级到Core i7: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    • 六年多过去了-现在的系统是Mojave10.14.黑暗模式让我感觉没白折腾人.

    • http://dosdude1.com/mojave/

    • 这个2010年的iMac搭载的集成显卡已经不再和系统兼容了,所以显卡加速被系统禁用了.以至于系统刷新慢的一批,一切需要消耗显卡的设备都挂了,其他都没问题.

    • 但是,不要在这台机器上安装Mojave或Catalina系统。它几乎无法运行,体验非常糟糕。这是DosDude1本人的原话:“Radeon HD 5xxx和6xxx系列显卡在Mojave及更高版本中没有支持,而且很可能也不会支持。”

    • 安装Mojave之后,颜色都反转了,将System/Library/Extensions目录下的AmdRadeonX300删了就行了.





en zh


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2,923 声望



Ok a word of caution about doing this. I installed an i7 in my 2010 27" i3 iMac and the system works, it reports the correct stats for the i7 but the cpu fan runs at high speed from boot. Annoying! I've researched a number of forums and found no way to resolve this, I also know there are a number of people with the same problem. So either I screwed up my logic board or it just doesn't like the i7 processor. It's the correct processor that people have used the i7 870. I'm at a loss and don't want to pull it out because it just runs so much faster for video editing but using the machine as an audio workstation is now impossible because of the noise from the fan. Also be extremely careful with the LCD screen. just having your shirt brush against it leaves marks and you can't clean it. If you think gloves will solve this you are wrong. DO NOT touch the lcd and be extremely careful with the connectors. If anyone has any ideas about the fan speed fix please let me know!

Carl Geers - 回复

Also, I assume that you are using this processor?

Intel Core i7 870 2.93GHz 8MB LGA 1156 Quad Core Processor 95W


EnglandGreen -

If you upgrade or change the Apple HD, you will need to buy HDDFanControl software to control the HDD fan which will run at full speed otherwise. I also use smcFanControl to monitor and control the other fans in the system.

As with any modification, your mileage may vary. This is a "Medium" difficulty mod and not recommended for novices to the hobby. I experienced none of the issues your have experienced.

I upgraded to Mountain Lion 10.8 when it was released to the Dev community with zero issues - currently at 10.8.2; I use this machine 'in anger' every day.

I did these mods 5 months ago, and this system has been absolutely ROCK SOLID with no crashes, no kernel panics and no freezes!

EnglandGreen -

If you do the CPU replacement and afterwards the optical drive fan and cpu fan are running at max speed (very loud) then you more than likely didn't plug in the CPU temp sensor. The guide here doesn't talk about it so you can easily forget it! The connector is on the other side of the board, which is different from all the other temperature connectors and not on the same side as the heatsink screws either.

I did this and the computer ran with noisy fans. I used a fan control app to quiet it down, but it was still loud on startup until login. More importantly, the performance without the CPU temp sensor connected was terrible. It was slower than the original i5 CPU. HD videos would stutter and benchmarks gave very low scores.

Make sure you plug in the CPU temperature sensor after you put the heatsink on.

mikk -

download ssd fan control, this program let you adjust the fan speeds.

Harjan van Dijk -



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