

  1. 如何重置Mac笔记本电脑上的SMC、PRAM和NVRAM, 为带有不可拆卸电池的Mac笔记本电脑进行SMC重置: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 如果你的Mac有一个可拆卸的电池,请跳过这一步,转到第二步。

    • 选择苹果菜单>关闭。

    • 在你的Mac关机后,按下内置键盘左侧的Shift-Control-Option键,然后同时按下电源键。按住这些键和电源按钮10秒钟。如果你有一台带Touch ID的MacBook Pro,Touch ID按钮也是电源按钮。

    • 松开所有按键。再按一次电源键,打开你的Mac。

  2. 如何重置Mac笔记本电脑上的SMC、PRAM和NVRAM, 在装有可拆卸电池的Mac笔记本电脑上进行SMC重置。: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 关闭你的Mac的电源。

    • 移除电池。

    • 如果你不确定如何拆除你的Mac电池,请到这个链接,选择你的Mac的品牌和型号。

    • 一旦你取出了电池,按住电源按钮5秒钟。

    • 松开电源按钮。重新安装电池。

    • 像打开Mac一样再次按下电源按钮。

  3. 如何重置Mac笔记本电脑上的SMC、PRAM和NVRAM, PRAM/NVRAM重置: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 关掉电脑。

    • 按下电源按钮。

    • 在灰色屏幕显示之前,同时按住Command + Option + P + R键。

    • 按住这些键,直到MacBook重新启动,然后你会听到启动声音。

    • 松开这些按键。

    • 一旦你重置了PRAM/NVRAM,请记住,像磁盘缓存、音量、时间、键盘和鼠标偏好等设置也会被重置。





en zh


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27,015 声望



Got a 2012 Macbook Pro. Was running GIMP with a couple Browsers open and Word. Gimp crashed twice and I had to restart it. I saved a GIMP file to a png. Placing one png over another, it all froze: Cursor and all not moving. Pressed Cntrl/alt/shift, etc and it closed the the first application open, in layered fashion, but until I got to the last finder window, it kept opening. Shut down completely. Start up took about 2 minutes (usually 37 seconds. Has 2TB SSD and 10GB memory). Was super fast, until today).

When I click on any file or program, it hesitates for a second, then opens as if it’s on a delay, with an odd trace of lighting or movement tracks. Tried the finder “search” and it isnt’ recognizing anything, like it’s not accessing directories, etc. Had to open Applications, to get DiskUtility and run it. Nothing changed. There is a thin grey line that appears to run horizontally through the middle of the “search box”. What’s up???

Fish Outta Water - 回复

I replaced the battery, as old battery was only holding a partial charge, but still worked After the battery replacement, it turned on a court of times and was charging, the next day nothing would power up

Thanks I. Advance fog your assistance

Colin. m Donald

colinmd55 - 回复



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