


  1. 如何使iPhone进入Recovery模式, 将你的iPhone连入电脑: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 用一根闪电或USB-C数据线将iPhone连入到你的Mac或者PC。如果你用的是PC或者macOS Mojave及以上版本,请安装iTunes再进行操作。

  2. 如何使iPhone进入Recovery模式, 混合按钮: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 在 iPhone 8 或更新机型上:按下调高音量按钮再快速松开。按下调低音量按钮再快速松开。然后,按住侧边按钮,直到你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。

    • iPhone 7 或 iPhone 7 Plus:同时按住侧边按钮和调低音量按钮。继续按住这两个按钮,直到你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。

    • iPhone 6s 或更早机型:同时按住主屏幕按钮和顶部(或侧边)按钮。继续按住这两个按钮,直到你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。

    the problem is that this is not working for my iphone 8, i keep doing it over and over again and it just doesn't go into recovery it only reboots.

    annoyedasf - 回复

  3. 如何使iPhone进入Recovery模式, 恢复设备: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 如何使iPhone进入Recovery模式, 恢复设备: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • macOS Catalina及以上版本:打开“访达”并在侧边栏找到设备图标。点开就会出现“更新或恢复”弹窗。点击“更新”选项你的手机就会在不恢复出厂设置的情况下更新系统。如更新失败或者你需要解锁设备(忘记密码),选择“更新并恢复”选项就会抹掉该设备并更新系统到最新版本。

    • macOS Mojave以下版本或Windows系统:打开iTunes并在左上角找到设备图标。点击“更新”选项你的手机就会在不恢复出厂设置的情况下更新系统。如更新失败或者你需要解锁设备(忘记密码),选择“更新并恢复”选项就会抹掉该设备并更新系统到最新版本。





en zh


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1,858 声望



My power button is not working on an iphone 6, so I can't use these directions! Do you have a work around for this situation?



Jeff Lawton - 回复

On iPhone 6, the power button is really only necessary to turn the device off. You can also accomplish this by disconnecting the battery. Which isn't ideal, but it's better than not being able to do it at all. After it's off, reconnect the battery, then hold down the home button and connect the lightning cable from the USB cable to your computer.

Alisha C -

Some repair tools can get the device into or out of Recovery Mode without pressing buttons physically. TunesKit iOS System Recovery has this feature for totally free, you can use this to put your iPhone into Recovery Mode without any limits.

pony King -

My home button is not functioning, so even if I disconnect the battery and reconnect it, I will be at the same place. I had to use the digital home button to use the phone before it got disabled. It's that white circular digital button that can be used as an alternative when the physical home key is not functioning.

Jeff Lawton - 回复

My phone just suddenly off by itself an iPhone 12 Pro Max please I don’t know what to do

Amadi Divine - 回复

I replaced the screen and back glass on iphone 14 and now every few mins it reboots? Why is this? i would really appreciate some resolutions


Tim - 回复

On the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus there is a flex cable on the back glass that contains a part that contain a sensor that is likely paired to the phone. So if you replace the back glass, that flex cable may need to be transplanted to the new back glass for everything to work properly. Jason at STS Telecom did a super video that explains some off this.

Alisha C -



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