
哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换


  1. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 工作环境的准备: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 工作环境的准备: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 为了更好的找到变速器排油塞和最佳的排油位置以及更加便捷的进行换油,我们建议将车子保持在安全的直立状态。

  2. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 卸下主链检查盖: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 卸下主链检查盖: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 卸下主链检查盖: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用 使用 5/32"六角扳手 或六角螺丝刀, 拧下主链检查盖上的两颗螺丝。

    • 您的检查盖可能不是圆的,这取决于您机车的生产年份。 不论如何它将处在相同的位置并使用相同的螺丝固定。

    • 将主链检查盖从变速箱上取下。

    How do I get these off if they're real tight? I've already broken a few Allan keys trying and almost striped one of them

    Cameron lambert - 回复

    I have same problem cannot move the inspection cover bolts -

    Skull - 回复

    Use an impact screwdriver.

    Peter - 回复

    Lightly tap the Allen wrench ( like driving a nail)with a rubber mallet due to aluminum corrosion. This helps free the Allen bolt

    Edmund Lincoln - 回复

  3. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 排空变速箱油: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 排空变速箱油: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 排空变速箱油: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 变速箱排油塞位于变速箱的左下侧,靠近脚蹬处。

    • 在排油塞下放置一个接油盘。

    • 用扳手来松开塞子并将其卸下。

    • 您的塞子尺寸可能是5/8" 或 3/4",这取决于您机车的年份。

    • 让变速箱油从变速箱中流出,这一过程可能需要5分钟。

  4. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 放油的时候也别闲着,请把塞子也擦干净。

    • 用干净抹布或者纸巾来清洁塞子,来去除上面的油渍和金属碎屑

    • 在塞子末端有一个磁铁,用来吸住在变速箱中的金属碎屑。

  5. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 拆下离合器检查盖: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 拆下离合器检查盖: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用T27螺丝刀卸下检查盖上的四颗固定螺丝、

    With this cover off, do I check anything or is this just to make sure all the oil has drained?

    Don - 回复

    I saw somewhere it said to remove and replace these screws in sync, in a certain order? Why? And does it matter? I only have 4 screws on my '01 sportster. And how do you get the large O ring to stay in place when putting cap back on?

    Lori Parr - 回复

    And how do you get the large O ring to stay in place when putting cap back on?

    Lori, I have the same question. Did you figure it out? My first attempt it slipped down and then the cover leaked when I tried to start it up. The ring is slightly stretched so I’m going to purchase a new one and see if it will stay in place any better. I will report back if it is any easier for the new one to stay in place.

    John Pile -

    Update: The new o’ring was much easier to install and get it to stay in place. $2 from Harley shop.

    John Pile -

    Interestingly, on my 1200 Sportster Custom (1996), I needed to use a T30 bit. My service manual also says T27, but they were definitely T30 for me.

    John Pile - 回复

    How can I get the bolts out of the cover if they are stripped?

    alfred reynolds - 回复

  6. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    Heavy-Duty Spudger
    • 加强撬棒或者类似的工具深入到检查盖和变速器壳之间的缝隙中。靠近离合器电缆处。

    • 然后轻轻地撬开再轻轻的移走。

    • 离合器盖的弹簧有可能会掉落。重组时请务必检查。

    What should I look for while it's open?

    Marty Glynn - 回复

    Not to mention that's where you check ur oil level for the trans but also ur clutch adjustment is be hind that cover. ( type in clutch adjustment for more info)

    Up N coming screwdriver - 回复

  7. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 将传动油塞装入: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 将传动油塞装入: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 重新将传动油排油口油塞装入。并用手拧紧。

    • 使用 3/4"扳手再次上紧塞子。

    • 注意不要将塞子上的过紧。 上的过紧会导致滑螺纹破损。 正确的扭矩为14 - 21 ft-lbs (168 - 252 in-lbs).

    Why not just fill through the top of the oil tank????

    D penglase - 回复

    That's not the same. The oil bag is the crankcase oil and this is showing

    The trans oil. The oil is the same(20w50) but it's two different compartments.

    Up N coming screwdriver - 回复

    The oil is not necessarily the same depending on the bike, make sure you check your manual.

    I have a 2011 Iron 883 and the transmission requires GL-5 certified GEAR OIL (75w90).

    Derek -

    This is correct. Manuals will specify gear oil for transmission but conveniently you can use 20W-50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil for both engine and transmission lubricant. Amsoil Synthetic 20W-50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil is certified for motorcycle engines, transmissions, and chaincases. Whatever brand you go with it MUST specify motorcycle oil. Many folks are getting confused so I am including this message with each comment that is asking what kind of oil to use.


    Sir_Nerd -

    Make sure rubber o ring is in good condition, mine was smashed out and my oil leaked out. Bike ok. Thanks this site was very helpful. Like the steps and the information.

    mascavrone - 回复

  8. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 加入新的传动油: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 加入新的传动油: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 将漏斗插入主链检查孔中

    • 缓慢的倒入1qt(约946ml)的油进入传动箱。

    • 倒入的时候请注意观察检查孔,确保油位在检查孔的下方。

    • 这步骤可能使用少于1qt的油。

    what kind of oil

    tabfive99 - 回复

    You can use Amsoil 20w50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil. It is certified for engine, transmission, and primary chaincase lubricant. Manuals will specify gear oil as well (75w90), which is also appropriate to use. Note as Eric Essen wrote that these oils are defined differently. Link to the Amsoil 20w50: https://www.amsoil.com/p/20w-50-syntheti...

    Sir_Nerd -

    You need to use a motorcycle gear oil.. DO NOT put regular motorcycle motor oil in the transmission. Which is what I almost did after reading this because up top it says 20/50 motor oil. I went to motorcycle shop and asked what kind of transmission oil to use. He said that some people say u r supposed to b able to use the motor oil, but NOT to, as it is bad for the bike. Use gear oil meant for motorcycle transmissions

    JWag - 回复

    They say not to use 20w-50 for transmission.

    They recommend 75w-90. Gear oil.

    Make sure its says GEAR OIL.

    Thats what I run on mine.

    Alex Flotte - 回复

    SAE 20w50 Motorcycle oil is what is recommended by Harley Davidson. Engine and gear oil are measured on different scales. SAE 20w50 is the same as 75w90 gear oil. Some modern synthetic automotive oils are not compatible with wet clutches. 20w50 is still the correct oil recommended by the manufacturer, just make sure not to buy an oil not approved for use with motorcycle clutches. http://www.harley-davidson.com/store/syn...

    Eric Essen - 回复

    Amsoil 20w 50 is specifically for Harley motor oil and wet clutch, it is also the best.

    Dirk - 回复

    Thanks very useful info for beginners

    henryaburchett58 -

    I poured a quart of primary oil and I still cannot feel the oil when I put my finger in there does it need another one

    garciacowboys73 - 回复

    There's also a weep hole located on the back of the primary towards the bottom of the rear curve. You can pull that and put oil into primary until you see it coming out of said weep hole.

    Michael C - 回复

  9. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 重组: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 重组: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换, 重组: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 在重组主链检查盖时请确保O型橡胶垫圈在主检查口之中同时也要确保它的位置是正确的和干净的。

    • 同时也要确保主链检查盖螺丝下的O型橡胶垫圈也是清洁的以及处于正确的位置。

    • 使用 5/32"六角扳手 或六角螺丝刀重新安装主链检查盖

    What is the purpose of the inspection hole? Doesn't show oil level

    Doug - 回复

    The inspection hole is used to set the timing.

    johnsonwjoseph - 回复

    What if the shift linkage don't come back like it should

    jamescaleb2000 - 回复

    I highly recommend the Lowbrow video on how to adjust the primary chain tension at 6 mins 49 seconds into the video:


    Sir_Nerd - 回复

  10. 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 哈雷戴维森 Sportster Evolution 变速器油更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用T27螺丝刀重新安装离合器检查盖。请按照以下顺序安装。

    • 顶部

    • 底部

    • 一旦所有的螺丝被拧上了,请使用已经调整到7 - 12 ft-lbs (84 - 108 in-lbs)的扭矩扳手按照上述顺序拧紧。

    The 1991 Sportster has the small derby cover like the chain inspection cover and I am sure being a trans / primary I had to by two qts of sport trans and it's the 1st year of the 5 speed trans and belt drive on the xlh1200

    Tcorson - 回复




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but you CANT use gear oil for cluthc!!!

car motor oil CANT be used for bike cluthc!!! Motorcycle motoroil CAN!

Maicol - 回复

Is synthetic 20w50 ok to use?

Jordan -

What the !&&* is a cluthc?

redin575 -

You can use Amsoil 20w50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil. It is certified for engine, transmission, and primary chaincase lubricant. Manuals will specify gear oil as well (75w90), which is also appropriate to use. Note as Eric Essen wrote that these oils are defined differently. Link to the Amsoil 20w50: https://www.amsoil.com/p/20w-50-syntheti...

Sir_Nerd -

I change my my transmission oil exactly how it showed and yes the spring with the nut on the end came off and I put it right back. Now I have no tension at all in my clutch basically I have no clutch anymore. This is the first time I've taken the inspection plate off during a transmission fluid change. I usually drain it and automatically just put one quart in. What could I have done wrong?

Argyle - 回复

Did you ever figure out what happened?

Jordan -

Tighten the screw will tighten. Clutch.clockwise or counter clock

James Burch -

Author neglected to say the first numbers on the torque specs are metric (Nm) not ft-lbs as written

Dfh - 回复

Why is the primary chain inspection cover removed?

robin - 回复

Derby cover is removed to insure the primary isn't overfilled.

Chris Moders -

is there not a screw that will drip when filled?

paulposey1997 - 回复

Is Formula + okay to use in primary that shares stator coils? Does it have sulfur additives that can degrade red metals like copper in the stator?

Greg - 回复

does motorcycle stand in vertical position or on its leg stand during oil level inspection ???

irakli ratiani - 回复

Perfectly level in vertical position!Not leaning on jiffy stand.Have someone help you hold it perfectly level.

curtis mozack -

also youre not supposed to use the full quart it WILL puke out.

general rule is 28-29oz

donald ruddell - 回复

What kind of washers are you using in the bolts where the mid controls used to be? My sportster is leaking from those two fixations.

xtremo_1989 - 回复

Do I need two separate oils for transmission and engine?

chrisweidinger - 回复

My 08 Sportster custom takes the same fluid for transmission as it does primary fluid because it shares the same cavity but ENGINE OIL CANNOT BE SHARED…

In the words of my local Harley Dealer

Anthony Torres Jr. -

You can use the same 20w50 oil in the engine and primary, as long as its jaso ma-2 which is for wet clutch. Also they are 2 separate cavitys thats why u have 2 separate drain plugs. Engine oil is held in the oil tank and primary is in the case.

Dillon Kiddle -

You can use Amsoil 20w50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil. It is certified for engine, transmission, and primary chaincase lubricant. Manuals will specify gear oil as well (75w90), which is also appropriate to use. Note as Eric Essen and many others wrote that these oils are defined differently. Link to the Amsoil 20w50: https://www.amsoil.com/p/20w-50-syntheti...

Sir_Nerd -

20w-50 vtwin oil DUH. Come on dont be dumb

Dillon Kiddle - 回复

Did my regular oil n changed oil filter in my 2008 xl883l sporty the did the timing chain case with synthetic. 1 week later redid it with hd regular timing chain oil. That synthetic had me hearing everything.

Jason Lilley - 回复

Después de hacer el cambio de aceite de primaria, colocar la tapa y arrancar la moto la zona de transmidion a comenzado hacer un sólido molesto que chirría y las marchas van algo más de duras, incluso cuesta de colocar el punto muerto esto sucede en marchas cortas pero alargando tercera y cuarta el sonido apfnas se percibe. Alguien podría decirme que sucede, es posible que el embrague este demasiado tenso.

caballerolopezmiguelangel - 回复

very helpful.i have an 88 1200 sportster i’m changing oil on. the manual just says use h-d sport tranny fluid, ok, never heard of it. every sportster i’ve had uses 75w90 gear oil,or 20w50 V-TWIN formula oil. different than 20w50 auto oil,which doesn’t work with the wet clutch as a bike has. and don’t use 75w90 gear oil for trucks and cars because it may have special additives to reduce friction,which will cause your clutches to slip as those additives are for making slippery. my current oil in it stunk like only gear oil does. so i guess u can use gear oil or 20w50 bike oil in the primary.primary and tranny both use same fluid on a sportster.

shelbster - 回复

hey guys question is anyone knows the diameter for the splined shifter shaft that goes thru the primary cover for a

2004-2005 sportster 883-1200xl custom or point me in the direction of where i can find the specs i read some where that the diameter the bushing goes into is .485in or roughly a 1/2in

my email is ratrod420@yahoo.com

thank you kindly to whom ever has the information

C Counti - 回复

I change primary/trans oil every 2nd oil change. insp. and adjust chain, then i can get back to cruising around, beating up old ladies and snatching their handbags. !

Michael Hundhausen - 回复

Looking at above comment, do I really need to remove the inspection plate? Don’t want to find myself with no clutch either! Is it sufficient to measure what comes out and replace with same amount rather than remove the inspection plate?

Pauline Fieth - 回复

That may get you close but you really should remove the inspection cover so you know for sure that it is not over-filled.

Sir_Nerd -

what about clutch oil?

Zobayer Eusufzai - 回复

You can use Amsoil 20w50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil. It is certified for engine, transmission, and primary chaincase lubricant. That's what makes it convenient because you can just buy four bottles of it and you're ready to replace the engine oil and the transmission oil at the same time. It MUST specify motorcycle lubricant. Manuals will specify gear oil as well (75w90), which is also appropriate to use. Note as Eric Essen wrote that these oils are defined differently. Link to the Amsoil 20w50: https://www.amsoil.com/p/20w-50-syntheti...

Sir_Nerd -

I changed my oil and trans fluid about 4 months ago and since I've done that for the first two weeks my clutch shifted nice and easy now it's hard as hell to put it in neutral from first gear or from first gear to second gear from there on it's just fine but not sure what true issue is I'm going to change fluid and trans fluid again and see if any shaving come out on my plug or in fluid has anyone had this problem before and if so does it sound like my clutch plates need to be replaced there is maybe 85,000 miles on it if you can get back I would appreciate it thank you my email is matthewschatz02@gmail.com just looking for some advice but the diagram of top does help me a lot so thank you very much for your help I appreciate it nice to meet you guys

matthew schatz - 回复

As a supplement to this article highly recommend the Lowbrow video for video of this work:


Sir_Nerd - 回复

Does anyone ever respond to people's questions here? We'd like to see an answer.

Russell - 回复



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