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日立2A03 8-bit 1.79 MHz 处理器(基于MOS工艺6502 8位处理核心)
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Wow, and I thought my SNES had yellowing issues.
I don’t know why they yellow like they do, but the famicom YELLOWS.
While extremely late, the yellowing is due to the fire retardant that they mixed with the ABS plastic of the shell. Bromine undergoes a chemical reaction when exposed to UV light that essentially breaks it down, resulting in the yellowing color. There is a (temporary) way to undo the changes by using a chemical solution colloquially dubbed “Retr0Bright” in conjunction with UV light to make the plastic look brand new.
Hi : which is the voltage of this device, because it burns mine yesterday :(
If you use a Genesis Model I AC Adapter it should work so, the voltage might be around 9V to 10V.