
Model M6497 or A1005 / 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900 MHz G3 processor

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Why does airport card crash the computer?

I replaced my logic board and then also had to replace a hard drive that was having a hard time booting up. When I went to start up after finishing-nothing, no power. I thought i had not connected the power on the logic board properly so I took apart and this time started up fine while still disassembled. It turns out that when the airport card is in-no power. If the machine is running and I plug airport in-power is zapped! A little magnet had been stuck in the airport slot and some of the connectors had been bent and were touching. I straightened them but no success. Is there a way to know if the card is bad--it worked fine before the new hard drive-even with the new logic board installed? I do not want to buy a new card if it is somehting else. Thanks for your help

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The airport card was fried. I straightened the pins and put a new card in and it works now.


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