
Chirp sound coming from left top side?

My 15" MacBook Pro "chirps" occasionally - no set pattern - with the noise coming from the top left side of the computer, near where the magnetic power cord plugs in. It's not speaker-related but sounds like something going on with the inner workings of the laptop. The noise is just loud enough and frequent enough to be annoying in a quiet environment.

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Hi Owen, thank you very much for your advice. It does make lots of sense to me. At the beginning I thought it was a sound made by the fan, but I installed iStat Menus and I have been checking the speed of the fans and they are normally around 1000rpm. So I'll definitely check for a power board.





It is due to your laptops age. After a certain point, the circuit on your MacBook Pro's power board starts to get less efficient due to age. Basically, to my understanding, the computer is receiving the same amount of power as it originally did but it cannot move it as efficiently as it could so some electricity is lost which results in the chirping sound you hear. Almost everyone of my MacBooks or MacBook Pros make that noise when plugged in. Does the noise happen when it is plugged in. If it doesn't, then you may have a different problem, maybe your fan needs replacing, but if it does then it is most likely the power board. The noise stopped when I replaced my MacBook Pros power board sand hasn't come back. Something to look out for.

Hope the Helps


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There is a program fix for this



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