
2016年9月16日发售。型号有A1661,A1784和A1785,支持GSM 和 CDMA 格式,存储容量有32GB、128GB以及256GB,颜色有玫瑰金、金色、银色、黑色、新的亮黑和红色。

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Why is my phone overheating?

My iPhone 7 plus overheats, and doesn’t hold a charge well. The battery max capacity is 82% It gets really hot in the area under the camera after mild use or charging. I found a few posts about this from several years ago, but they all had different answers. Is it a problem with the battery, or the CPU, or something else? I have a replacement battery I can easily put in, so I’m apt to try that first. Thanks for your help!

Have a great day and God bless!

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The battery is definitely the place to start, and given that you already have one replacing it as the first step is the right call. Generally if the battery health goes below about 85% then it's considered time to replace it anyway.

So yeah, put in the new battery and let us know what happens after that.


得分 2


Thank you! I’m going to put it in later today, after church, and I’ll let you know how it goes.


@prestontech Definitely think this is a good start. It could be the board but If you already have a battery, why not. When you say it overheats, does it actually give you temp warnings? Or it just gets very hot.


@flannelist It just gets hot, though not as hot as it used to. I’m starting the repair right now. I’ll let you know how it goes!


@flannelist I repaired the battery, and it seems to be better now. Thanks!




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