
2016年9月16日发售。型号有A1661,A1784和A1785,支持GSM 和 CDMA 格式,存储容量有32GB、128GB以及256GB,颜色有玫瑰金、金色、银色、黑色、新的亮黑和红色。

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Connecting charge port and speaker antennae

When replacing the charge port, the speaker and charge port antenna are disconnected from the logic board and then, obviously, need to be reconnected.

  1. Can each antenna be connected to either port on the logic board or do they need to be to their original location. On the iPhone 7 Plus they snap in side by side. Easy to get them confused.
  2. Any tricks on getting them to snap into place? They either go right on, or it’s a battle.
  3. What is the function of antenna that comes off the charge port?
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1: I don't know what you mean.

2: Try aligning the connector pin and have them connected first, then clip then to the side of the speaker.

3: A combination of primary cellular and diversity wifi. Modern phones are too complex to use one antenna just for one feature.


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