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Is there a screen equivalent for Kobo Libra H20?


The display screen of my Kobo Libra H20 is now broken (light is ok, but the display is stuck and never changes with stripes on the screen).

I would like to repair it but have not seen a dedicated tutorial for the Libra Aura H2O so far.

I don't really care about loosing the waterproof feature on the way, would just like to replace the screen to use it again. I would like to know if a recommended spare display screen on an existing tutorial could be used for the Libra Auro H20 ?

Happy to have any ideas on that. Otherwise, the device will be thrown in the bin (you undertood me, thrown in the bin = given to a place where it has a chance to be a bit recycled) ; that would feel a bit stupid because I would need to buy another one (which I hope to be second hand).

Thanks a lot ! Finger crossed that I can repair it.


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Hi @alexis46083

Here's some information that may help.

Screen replacement video for a Kobo tablet.

Disassembly video for a Kobo Aura H2O

Supplier of an LCD screen for a Kobo Libra H20, (example only to show possible cost of the screen). Search online for Kobo Libra H20 LCD screen to find other suppliers that may suit you better.


得分 2


Hey @jayeff

Thanks for the links. I understand that as I did, you did not find a complete guide on how to do it for the Kobo Libra H2O. I might give it a shot this december trying to assample what can be found in these diverse videos and tutorials.

Christmas gift : a way to repair my broken screen.






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