
2.2 GHz (Turbo Boost 最高可达 3.4GHz), 2.5 GHz (Turbo Boost 最高可达 3.7GHz), 或者 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost 最高可达 4.0GHz) 四核 Intel Core i7 处理器 ,配备 6MB 共享三级缓存。

20 个问题 查看全部

Battery drains when lid is closed (while on sleep)

I bought a battery from Ifix it and replaced my battery. Battery life was fine and everything was great until about a couple of months ago when I noticed that the battery drains while the led is closed overnight. This never happened before. I tried everything from closing all application to SMC and still the battery drains when my mac in on sleep.

How can I fix this?

Thank you very much for your assistance

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When you close the lid does the displays light still shine?

Also lets get a better view of your battery and charger logic, install this gem of an App! CoconutBattery post a snapshot here of the apps main window just before you put the system to sleep mode and then again hopefully after you've slept for the night in the morning to see what happened.


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