
2018年7月发布,15英寸 MacBook Pro,型号 A1989,拥有True Tone技术的LED背光15.4英寸显示器,最高6核心的酷睿 i7 处理器。

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Will replacing my battery help battery life?

I have checked the old threads, and no answer, plus it's a few years since the last post.

I'm considering replacing my battery because it feels like the battery isn't lasting as long as it should. But the battery diagnosis says it should still be fine. Thing is, I don't trust the diagnosis. I used coconut, and it says the battery is manufactured after the laptop, which is impressive, seeing as it was never replaced.

So main question, will getting a new battery help it last, is can I determine if I have some other problem that is affecting my battery use?

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Think of a battery as a timer, as the clock ticks down the effectiveness of holding a charge goes down and the battery dies quicker. But replacing that battery will reset the clock so yes it will improve battery life

However you have a little problem with your battery, wether it is a internal battery reading problem or the computer computing the data the battery is sending it

Considering you computer is 6 years old I would recommend replacing the battery and see if that fixes the problem, but if it doesnt just let us know


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The laptop is from 2019, but still, same story, it's quite a few years old. Replacing the battery is not the easiest, so I at least wanted some sort of confirmation that it will have an effect.

I know there used be be issues of Apple complaining with error messages if I replace the battery myself, but that's not the case anymore right?


@reinhardts I'd wait for it to discharge to around 75% or so, then see how bad it is. Seeing as the sensor readings are incorrect, once it reaches 75% it's best if you at least consider replacing it some more.


@reinhardts litterally a week ago apple *promised* they would allow that but they haven’t implemented it yet


@hampter you mean the battery warning thing?


@reinhardts yes, the little warning that pops up saying that the battery is not apple’s



This is always tricky! Your battery was made in June 2020 as such it is only four years old. But it does have over 500 cycles so it’s at the halfway point of 1,000 cycles which Apple claims is the highest expected you could achieve with reasonable use still.

So you could replace the battery, but I don’t think that is what I would focus in on yet. I would first review what are your needs both what’s running on the system could be stealing power needlessly and/or look at getting an external battery pack to give you added run time as it’s easier than replacing the battery.

  • Review your running processes using Activity Monitor for applications that are consuming too much power or not needed any more.
  • Look at USB-C power banks to give you more power when on the road.

FYI - I do recommend making sure you have the latest macOS and Apps. And there is nothing wrong with Apples power monitoring App, it’s just not very useful unlike CoconutBattery! As it doesn’t offer much more than a Go - No Go function.


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Thanks for the tips. I do have an external USB pack, but I notice that the flexibility of an internal battery that lasts more than 2-3 hours is what I'd like. I'm going to do some software monitoring and check if there's also something there. I remember when I first got the laptop, I could get up to 6 hours on this machine.




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